diy solar

diy solar

Help in NM

Old man #82

New Member
Apr 19, 2024
New Mexico
With 4800 watts of solar panels and wind turbines 10 each 415 watt solar panels and 2 each 24 volt 400 watt wind turbines
First Maybe I need two systems one for the turbines and one for the panels
Need to know where I go from here (1)batteries how many and what type (2) controller size and type (3) inverter size and type
Proper system design.
1. You need an inverter large enough to cover your maximum instantaneous loads. (Don't forget about motor surges)
2. You need enough battery capacity to cover your loads during non production times. (Night, and cloudy days)
3. You need enough solar (and or wind) to cover your loads during production time (sunny or windy), and recharge your batteries.
Thanks for the lnput so far
FYI I have local power that I’ll use for the kitchen and any 220 divide I will need
This is new construction (residential house) and I know nothing about solar other than what I read
What I would want, is to be able to go from my solar input (ie) battery bank and my electrical panel and take a home run circuit ( for all u smart people) a feed to a SAY 20 AMP BRAKER TAKE THAT HOMERUN and wire it to my solar converter. That way (let’s say) a bedroom would be powered by solar than another 20 amp circuit etc. of course some of the circuits would be 15 amps
I would like to use 100 ah lithium batteries I understand I should use the same brand for the bank I can go 200 400 ah batteries but if one of those go out I’ll be in hot water But need help with batteries size and amount on my 6000 watt solar collection unit
Need help on the size of the charger controller
As with the wattage of the pure sine wave inverter
I am not to go crazy with the solar power just want to power the circuits and I have many it’s a big house
I would really Appreciated your input and Thank You all for your SMARTS AND WILLINGNESS TO HELO OTHER
Thanks for the lnput so far
FYI I have local power that I’ll use for the kitchen and any 220 divide I will need
This is new construction (residential house) and I know nothing about solar other than what I read
What I would want, is to be able to go from my solar input (ie) battery bank and my electrical panel and take a home run circuit ( for all u smart people) a feed to a SAY 20 AMP BRAKER TAKE THAT HOMERUN and wire it to my solar converter. That way (let’s say) a bedroom would be powered by solar than another 20 amp circuit etc. of course some of the circuits would be 15 amps
I would like to use 100 ah lithium batteries I understand I should use the same brand for the bank I can go 200 400 ah batteries but if one of those go out I’ll be in hot water But need help with batteries size and amount on my 6000 watt solar collection unit
Need help on the size of the charger controller
As with the wattage of the pure sine wave inverter
I am not to go crazy with the solar power just want to power the circuits and I have many it’s a big house
I would really Appreciated your input and Thank You all for your SMARTS AND WILLINGNESS TO HELO OTHER
Hate the spell helper sorry
Pv works great here but as far as wind unless you live around Santa Rosa its not good at all. The past couple of days here in northern nm have been ok for wind and in the spring it might be ok but I wouldnt waste a lot of $$$ on getting it set up. If you still want to pursue wind get your hands on a Xantrex 40 or 60a charge controller... you can still get new online. It has a dump load wiring mode for wind.
Pv works great here but as far as wind unless you live around Santa Rosa its not good at all. The past couple of days here in northern nm have been ok for wind and in the spring it might be ok but I wouldnt waste a lot of $$$ on getting it set up. If you still want to pursue wind get your hands on a Xantrex 40 or 60a charge controller... you can still get new online. It has a dump load wiring mode for wind.
I get wind most every day I’m by the river and it blows some almost everyday
I’m not defending the wind
I have the equipment up that is what I hope to get
Thanks I’ll look into xantrex40 or 60
I get wind most every day I’m by the river and it blows some almost everyday
Ok, but you have to get high wind speeds to produce. Do a search on this forum about wind generators. Youll find most are highly over rated in what they will actually produce hence my thoughts on why they arent worth it. If you living in the valley can get a generator up 200ft on a tower you might eek out a few watts.. just saying. Been there done that.
Let’s not hope
Please add to my needs or just say what you think of my system
I’ll get some amps out of it
The reason I asked where you got your stuff was to see if you have any serious money in it yet. As our fellow New Mexico member said, unless you want to tinker with wind energy and are willing to overpay for electricity, it is not worth it.

The fact that you ignored the first response to your thead possibly indicated to members that you are not interested in being a part of the community but just want to get $85 an hour engineering advice for free.

Seems like you do not show respect by taking the time to proofread, making it more cumbersome with members' valuable time.

Clearly you have not done vital research here on diysolarforum. You do not know how many threads like this end up prematurely lost in the server.

You have the option to come back here after you have diligently discovered the answers to many of your questions, and run them by the many expert, experienced people here.

Hopefully this perspective gives you an idea of what one member thinks of your system, though you may not be very amped about the response.
Since you are grid tied you need to investigate the requirements for an interconnect agreement with your poco.

They are not to bad from what I remeber when my wife and I were looking at moving to Santa Fe
The reason I asked where you got your stuff was to see if you have any serious money in it yet. As our fellow New Mexico member said, unless you want to tinker with wind energy and are willing to overpay for electricity, it is not worth it.

The fact that you ignored the first response to your thead possibly indicated to members that you are not interested in being a part of the community but just want to get $85 an hour engineering advice for free.

Seems like you do not show respect by taking the time to proofread, making it more cumbersome with members' valuable time.

Clearly you have not done vital research here on diysolarforum. You do not know how many threads like this end up prematurely lost in the server.

You have the option to come back here after you have diligently discovered the answers to many of your questions, and run them by the many expert, experienced people here.

Hopefully this perspective gives you an idea of what one member thinks of your system, though you may not be very amped about the response.
So Sorry my Friend I had no idea I was stepping on the Community. I will gladly pay the $85 per hour for the engineers that have answers for me
Let me know what engineering discipline this falls into so I can better understand where you’re coming from. I am not close to be a Solar guru but my wife of 45 years is an engineer and unless she goes back to study residential Solar theories she’s not able to decipher what I need
I was under the impression that this was a platform to give and receive information pertaining to Solar again I’m sorry I offended you
Here is some help. Don't waste any money or time on the wind , unless its blowing 20mph most of the time you will get more power production out of a (1) 100w solar panel than those 2 400w wind machines combined + they are noisy and high maintenance compared to photovoltaic's
So Sorry my Friend I had no idea I was stepping on the Community. I will gladly pay the $85 per hour for the engineers that have answers for me
Let me know what engineering discipline this falls into so I can better understand where you’re coming from. I am not close to be a Solar guru but my wife of 45 years is an engineer and unless she goes back to study residential Solar theories she’s not able to decipher what I need

Just like anything else, this forum will result in GIGO... Garbage In Garbage Out. If you're not familiar with that concept, ask your wife about it.

I was under the impression that this was a platform to give and receive information pertaining to Solar again I’m sorry I offended you

You have to give a minimum amount of information to get an answer. You're under the impression that you're asking questions that can be answered. You are not.

$85/hr engineers aren't going to have answers without you answering their questions first.

What are your energy demands?

You have yet to answer the above question. The difference between here and an $85/hr train driver is that here, the cost is people annoyed with you wasting their time. There, the clock is ticking and the fees are stacking up, but that train driver is just as annoyed as the folks expressing displeasure here.

diy solar

diy solar