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diy solar

Help with Deye Hybrid Inverter configuration


New Member
Jul 1, 2023
Hi team,

I have a solar system with Deye Hybrid Inverter. I think my system is just similar to this diagram which is showing on Deye display panel:
To describe, I'm using solar as primary power source (day time) and grid to supply loads in my house. Battery is installed to activate inverter if grid is down during daytime, or to run some basic appliances if grid is down during nighttime.

However, I'm not sure if there is a setting to allow this behavior during night time:
-If grid power is available, grid will be used as power source between 18:00 to 3:00, during this time, battery SOC is 100%. From 3:00 to 5:00, battery will discharge to 20%.
-If grid power is cut, for example, at 22:00, then battery will discharge immediately at 22:00 and will be used until it reaches 0%, then my loads are off.

Can you help?
Edit your TimeOfUse tabel. This regulates when and how low your battery will be used (or not) during the day.
Also tick the charge from grid in periods you want to ensure that the battery is charged in periods with heavy rains/clouds etc.
Hi guys, thank you for your help.
In my situation, I want to configurate it to work as below during night time:
-18:00 to 3:00:
+If grid is normal, then battery SOC is keep at 100%.
+If grid is down, then battery will be used for loads. When grid is up again, it will charge the battery to 40% only.
-3:00 to 5:00:
+Discharge battery to 20%.

I think I will need some time trying to figure it out how to set up.
One more thing I want to ask, during night time (for example: 18:00 - 1:00), if I set battery SOC to 40%. If grid is down, then battery is used for load, right? And what will happen if battery SOC meets 40%? Will it l shut down system (cut electricity in my house) and keep battery at 40%? Or it will continue using it even when battery is lower? And if it keeps using battery, then when does it stop?

I don't want battery to be down (0%) because it will not be able to start inverter and use solar power next morning (if grid is still down).
Yes. If it reaches 40 AND no grid it will draw from the batt.
When it reaches the shutdown limit you set under the battery setup pages...f.ex. 10-20% it will shut down.
Also described in the manual.

diy solar

diy solar