diy solar

diy solar

Hi from Mexico Begining with solar power


New Member
May 22, 2024
Good day and hello from Mexico, im thinking in build a solar panel system to my house, after reading and see some videos ended in this forum with a lot of information and want to ask you about my project, the house monthly consumption is 181 KWH approximated, after search in amazon ended with this solar panel option thinking in buy 4 of them, my math are 580 W * 4 Panels * 8 H of solar power every day = 18560 WH = 18.5 KWH * 30 Days = 556,8 KWH per Month, but don't know if this panel could works and if my math are correct and what kind of regulator/inverter need, the idea is buy 4 batteries first and to connect the inverter to the grip in case the batteries runs out of power and don't sell the power back to the company because i think is a pain all the paper and they never are going to pay anyway :LOL:, thank you for your time and help.

Gerardo Gutierrez
If you do not need the Sell Back feature you can use a less expensive Off-Grid type inverter. That terminology can be confusing because most Off-Grid inverters do have an AC Input where utility or a generator can be connected so power can Pass-Through in case of a cloudy day. They are considered Off-Grid because they are not grid interactive and cannot sell back but still have the option to use an alternate source of AC.

Not sure what brands are available in Mexico. Here are a few suggestions. MPP Solar, Growatt, Sungold, EG4, Aims.
If you do not need the Sell Back feature you can use a less expensive Off-Grid type inverter. That terminology can be confusing because most Off-Grid inverters do have an AC Input where utility or a generator can be connected so power can Pass-Through in case of a cloudy day. They are considered Off-Grid because they are not grid interactive and cannot sell back but still have the option to use an alternate source of AC.

Not sure what brands are available in Mexico. Here are a few suggestions. MPP Solar, Growatt, Sungold, EG4, Aims.
Ok is good to know ill check what is available in my country, you think the solar panels are good in quality? Thank you
Good day, after reading and draw finally created a diagram:
Solar Panels: LP182*182M72NH580W
Inverter: SPH5048P
Batteries: L-31T-S-190M
Untitled Diagram.drawio.png