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diy solar

High voltage vs low voltage solar panels for Off grid.


Solar Wizard
Jul 15, 2022
Although there does not seem to be a consensus on what the dividing line is at it seems that low voltage are the typical panels for many of us. With the panels Voc being in the 20-40Voc range. Higher Voc panels have been mostly used in grid tie setups. Many of these are 60Voc and higher. I was just looking at some that boasted a 99.4Voc. There are benefits and efficiencies to having the higher voltage as well as issues.

It got me thinking when I read that higher voltage panels can handle shading better if someone should source them over more easily found low voltage panels. Now that higher voltage MPPT SCC AIO's are more common I could see where having higher voltage panels might simplify array setups.

Are there any out there are running high voltage panels in a Off Grid setup? What do you think of them? Are they worth the higher initial cost?
FYI Solar farm PV panels have VOC >100v

I think some have >200v VOC which make them pretty tough to use even with some nicer SCC.

IMO anything with a VOC >100v is high voltage.

IMO anything with a VOC >100v is high voltage.
That is why I mentioned that there was no consensus on what constituted high voltage. :)

I could see a sweet spot for voltage being around ~50Voc. 8 in series would put you at 400Voc a safe margin under a lot of the 450Voc AIO's out there.
Hey everyone,
I just recently had a system installed. While I did not look at anything as high has >100 VOC or even over 60 VOC some were close to 50 VOC and when you factor in cold temps during winter you will easily exceed 50 VOC per panel. My main concern was the size of the panel. Some of these solar panels while more efficient, have a very large size. Often I found they trade frame strength for size resulting in improved efficiency while reducing max wind and snow load both being a major concern for me. That being said larger panel installation may be cheaper but not always easier. Like the very large lego in your set, you never seem to be able to use it or fit it into the build. I was able to increase the size (size in KW) of my array by using a smaller lower VOC panels that had better wind and snow load rating. Of note these panels had a 21 to 22% efficiency and appeared less desirable due to the smaller size, (physical size), and lower watts per panel at just 375. This resulted in me attaining them for a pretty good price. I am on grid with a grid tie so perhaps not the help you are looking for.
May I ask what panels have a VOC over 60 and physically how big are they? Are you talking roof mount or ground mount for using such large panels?

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