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diy solar

How do I increase the output from my battery?


New Member
Dec 12, 2023
UK South
Hi there - I'm new here so please be patient with me.
I have a sunsynk 3.6Kw setup connected to eight solar panels with two battery hook up. I've been messing about with the settings because it being December the solar is not doing much so I've adjusted the system to charge the batteries from the grid with a view to switching my electricity tariff to cheaper overnight feed. Unfortunately I have pushed too many buttons and now I'm all at sea with it - the battery is remaining fully charged but not discharging more than a few watts at a time. I've been reading the posts on this forum and I now know how to set charging times and discharging times, but not how to get the full battery power. Would anyone be able to point out my mistake? Thanks in advance, I've spent days on this and am getting a bit frustrated!
Enable your TimeOfUse table.
That regulates how much of the batteries you want to use throughout the day.
Save your settings with the "V" on each page.

diy solar

diy solar