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diy solar

How many of these panels? Starting with 10


New Member
Apr 16, 2022
I am trying to power 1500 sq feet with 2 window units, 2 fridges, 1 deep freeze, TV, a few lights and internet during hurricane power outages etc...... and may bump up to day time use but that is later.....this would require running a couple more inverters, more panels and a larger battery system but for now I am looking to purchase 10 panels and a 48 volt battery as I already have the inverter listed. All parts bought through the website provided by Will.

10 of these are these enough to recharge a 48 volt lithium battery ?

using this system

with a 48 volt battery system - I have not chosen one yet, anyone using a solid state battery system?

It shows I can run 2 solar arrays and wasn't sure if running 2 5 panel arrays or just one 10? THANKS!!!
Short answer would be Yes. How long would it take, depends on the size of the battery.
First up is an energy audit / totals....

I am trying to power 1500 sq feet with 2 window units,
Traditional window units? Say 1000w each running 50% (on/off) = 500w x 24hr = 12kwh each.
24k wh/day

2 fridges, 1 deep freeze, '
Let's guess 4 kwh/day.

TV, a few lights and internet during hurricane power outages etc......
Let's guess 2 kwh/day

and may bump up to day time use but that is later.....this would require running a couple more inverters, more panels and a larger battery system but for now I am looking to purchase
Grand total guess = 30kwh/day.

10 panels and a 48 volt battery as I already have the inverter listed. All parts bought through the website provided by Will.
10 of these are these enough to recharge a 48 volt lithium battery ?
10 x 370w = 3,700w PV system. You don't say you're location - you can use PVWatts to get a good idea -
If I extrapolate from my own system, 3.7kw PV array will produce ~ 5,220kwh/year.
5,220kwh/year = 14kwh/day 'on average'. Depending on your location - summer can be 4 x more power than winter.

In rough numbers then, you need 30 panels rather than 10.

However, if you replace window units with heat-pump and get that 24kwh/day down to 10kwh/day - then you need 20panels instead of 10 'kind of thing'. At 20 panels you'll need ~ 20kwh battery for off-grid to run things thru the night.

Plenty of AC power for the loads listed.
with a 48 volt battery system - I have not chosen one yet, anyone using a solid state battery system?
Solid state doesn't exist yet for home powerwalls. More like iPhone charger level at this time.

It shows I can run 2 solar arrays and wasn't sure if running 2 5 panel arrays or just one 10? THANKS!!!
Yes you can have 2 arrays but it's not about panels it's about max voltage and max power.
The Unit specs (from your link above) say
1) Max PV Array Open Circuit Voltage = 250vdc. This means you can do up to 4 panels in series ~ 200v leaving room for low temp variance.
2) Max Power = 4000w per input. This means you can do 10-11 panels per side.
2a) 2s5p on each array would be 3700w each. At 2s the MPPT voltage will likely be 60-80v - high enough for a 48v battery.
2b) If you do 3s then 3s3p (9 panels) then overall voltage will be fine but it's only 9 panels (3,330) instead of 10 in 2a option.
2c) If you do 3s4p (12 panels) then overall voltage will be fine but it's 4,440w (on a 4,000w max) and it might be OK as long as you don't get 100% power from the panels
2d) If you go down to 330w panels then 3s4p (12 panels) would be 3960w - voltage would be great and you'd be right at 4000w.

*I'd recommend 2d.....
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Yes you can have 2 arrays but it's not about panels it's about max voltage and max power.
The Unit specs (from your link above) say
1) Max PV Array Open Circuit Voltage = 250vdc. This means you can do up to 4 panels in series ~ 200v leaving room for low temp variance.
2) Max Power = 4000w per input. This means you can do 10-11 panels per side.
2a) 2s5p on each array would be 3700w each. At 2s the MPPT voltage will likely be 60-80v - high enough for a 48v battery.
2b) If you do 3s then 3s3p (9 panels) then overall voltage will be fine but it's only 9 panels (3,330) instead of 10 in 2a option.
2c) If you do 3s4p (12 panels) then overall voltage will be fine but it's 4,440w (on a 4,000w max) and it might be OK as long as you don't get 100% power from the panels
2d) If you go down to 330w panels then 3s4p (12 panels) would be 3960w - voltage would be great and you'd be right at 4000w.

*I'd recommend 2d.....
6548 inverters have 18a limit (apparently really 22a) on PV for each input which limits the strings to 2p, no? Something like these in a 4s2p configuration gets you 3680w per input, or 7360w total.
6548 inverters have 18a limit (apparently really 22a) on PV for each input which limits the strings to 2p, no? Something like these in a 4s2p configuration gets you 3680w per input, or 7360w total.
Where do you see an 18a limit? I don't see that in the link you gave -

The 370 watt panels you reference have these specs -

This means .2s5p (2 in series, 5 groups of 2 in parallel) would be....
79.8v (2x39.9) @ 46.4a (5x9.28a) = 3703w for each set of 10 panels.

Its looks to me like the all-in-one can very well handle 2 sets of 10 panels - where each set is 80v and 50a.



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Where do you see an 18a limit? I don't see that in the link you gave -
View attachment 93452

The 370 watt panels you reference have these specs -
View attachment 93454

This means .2s5p (2 in series, 5 groups of 2 in parallel) would be....
79.8v (2x39.9) @ 46.4a (5x9.28a) = 3703w for each set of 10 panels.

Its looks to me like the all-in-one can very well handle 2 sets of 10 panels - where each set is 80v and 50a.

I just got one of these inverters as well and it says in the user manual page 43 or Will's video which shows the sticker on the side. I may have messed up the solar panel link but I was looking at the BlueSun 460W Half-Cell Bifacial Solar Panel (SILVER) which has a VOC of 50.8v and ISC of 11.50a. Punching those into the midnite calculator shows 4s2p should be good in cold weather. This seem right or am I completely wrong? Been trying to figure out the ideal panels to use with this inverter and I keep coming back to the 4s2p bifacials to minimize racking or 5s2p of 315-340w monos with a max VOC of 42v. To get back to the OP's question, seems like he would be limited to 4s2p with the Renesola Solar 370W panels but could do 16 of them.bluesun bifacial.PNG
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