diy solar

diy solar

How to best switch the grid connection between the loads panel and the AIO inverter


Inventor of the Electron
Sep 29, 2021
Hey guys, in the event the AIO inverter fails for whatever reason, I don't want to rewire the grid to loads panel connection from scratch.

So I'm trying to figure out the best way to switch the grid connection between the loads panel and the AIO inverter. Basically, if the AIO inverter fails, I want to flip a switch and be back to running the way I was before I installed the inverter.

I was thinking I could use a transfer switch to switch the grid between the inverter and the loads panel. But that would mean I need to always remember to manually turn switch off the connection shown in red in the attached picture, which is the load output from the inverter to the loads panel. Or it is not necessary to switch that off? If I don't switch it off, it would mean the grid can run directly into the AIO load output, assuming this circuit design.

(Sorry for the primitive circuit diagram)

Any suggestions for how to do this in a more idiot-proof way?

Thanks in advance for any tips.


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Depending on the AIO, having grid power on the output is not a problem. But, to remove the AIO, you need to disconnect power from grid and output side. So, some type of bypass/cutoff is required.

Having to "remember" is usually not an issue since you are not doing it on a regular basis.
Here's what my panel looks like.

For those who thought "Made in Japan" always meant high quality, you should check out some of the old houses here in Japan, and their electrical wiring.


  • whole-panel2.png
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The transfer switch should have two inputs and one output.

Inputs are
1. Output of inverter
2. Grid

Output is protected loads panel

So you can either have the inverter output feeding the protected loads panel, or the grid feeding it, but not both at the same time
Depending on the AIO, having grid power on the output is not a problem. But, to remove the AIO, you need to disconnect power from grid and output side. So, some type of bypass/cutoff is required.

Having to "remember" is usually not an issue since you are not doing it on a regular basis.
So you reckon just a regular on/off switch is sufficient?
The transfer switch should have two inputs and one output.

Inputs are
1. Output of inverter
2. Grid

Output is protected loads panel

So you can either have the inverter output feeding the protected loads panel, or the grid feeding it, but not both at the same time
Wow okay that sounds like exactly what I need. Trying to find a transfer switch that will do that now.
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What would a product like that be called? I need to first find one in the U.S., then see if I can get the product in Japan.
Isn't what I'm doing pretty common? I assume the average solar dude wants to be able to remove their inverter from their home circuit in the event of an inverter failure. No?

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