diy solar

diy solar

How to do a search here?


New Member
Jun 1, 2020
Hello ALL!

Im new to this forum and I would like to search for posts that talks about: "Why to mount a 12v system instead of a 24v system and vice-versa? Are there any benefits in one instead of the other one?"

I tried terms like "12 vs 24" , "12v vs 24v" or even "24v" in the search box, but there is no result at all.

If you saw a post like this here or know where to find about it, I appreciate any help.

Thank you!
Sometimes it is hard to search for a specific topic, there are multiple subforums so you have to be patient while searching.

Check this recent thread, someone asked if he should "upgrade" from 12V to 24v or 48V systems, higher voltage system doesn't mean to be better, it depends on your needs.
Hello ALL!

Im new to this forum and I would like to search for posts that talks about: "Why to mount a 12v system instead of a 24v system and vice-versa? Are there any benefits in one instead of the other one?"

I tried terms like "12 vs 24" , "12v vs 24v" or even "24v" in the search box, but there is no result at all.

If you saw a post like this here or know where to find about it, I appreciate any help.

Thank you!

yeah, forum search (all forums afaik) are pretty broken when it comes to less than 3 letter words or very common terms.

The thread JoseAugustin linked to is a good place to start, as is this thread
A couple general pointers on the topic:

Application matters. For an off grid house, 48V probably makes the most sense, both because its more efficient for that application, and because there is a good selection of products available in 48V for residential systems. But for a vehicle or boat, 12 or 24v might make more sense, for a number of reasons, and parts availability is far and away best with 12V

diy solar

diy solar