diy solar

diy solar

How to make a single line diagram for the layman?

Jack Rabbit Off Grid

Solar Enthusiast
Sep 6, 2021
Long story short.

I pissed my neighbor off and he turned me in the to county. Then the F’er moves back to Portland Oregon and put his off grid property up for sale. Now the county wants me to permit my system. They want me to submit a SLD but I have no idea how to make one by hand. I tried using Open Solar but it don’t have the equipment I own to build my system on their website.

Any ideas what I can do?
Guess you'll have to learn how to make a SLD. YouTube, mebbe?
Actually it would be useful for you to have your system documented anyway. Good to help you or someone else run, understand and mebbe someday expand it.

diy solar

diy solar