diy solar

diy solar

In other news: A couple interesting articles


Solar Wizard
Sep 8, 2021
On a boat usually.
So my other favorite news site ArsTechnica has posted a couple articles lately that I thought might go over well, so I figured I'd pass them along.

Self Sustaining House On Wheels - The creators of a new “self-sustaining house on wheels” are hoping their strange-looking project will help spark interest in solar vehicles. The vehicle, called the Stella Vita, was made by Eindhoven University of Technology students.

The Stormy Relationship Between Solar and the Weather - Solar panels have a love-hate relationship with nature. They need to be placed in exposed locations that get a lot of sunlight, but cloudy weather obviously reduces their production. Less obviously, more extreme weather—from snowstorms to hurricanes—can damage or even break solar hardware altogether. New research performed by Sandia National Laboratories and published in Applied Energy showcases how weather events can reduce the amount of energy produced by the United States’ solar farms.

I thought they were both interesting and others might want to give them a glance.