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diy solar

Inflation Reduction Act may be Unconstitutional - Take your Credits ASAP

Maybe you can help then, you seem really smart... Specifically the 0.001% increase.

Patiently awaiting. Do you think you can complete the math before you eat the crayon?

Just to give you a math head start, here are the numbers you need to work with to get 0.001%

As of May 2022, the global average concentration
of CO2 in the atmosphere was 421 parts per million (ppm). This is a 50% increase since the start of the Industrial Revolution, when levels were around 280 ppm. The increase is due to human activity.
You still do not understand. That's OK time will fix that.
Like the real world you are a minority just like in this post. Problem is you can’t even recognize it.

That in itself speaks volumes about you. The World opinion is turning against you.
I am? How do you decide this? By losing elections and declaring them stolen? Insurrections?
I am? How do you decide this? By losing elections and declaring them stolen? Insurrections?

There was no insurrection. Unless you believe everything the AP says. No one has been charged with that despite all the show trials.

And unless you somehow consider over 100% turnout in some jurisdictions, or giant number count junps in the middle of the night while everyone sleeps, or barricaded counting rooms, or double and triple feeding bsllots through a tabulator, or 20 ballots coming from an open field or a commercial address "normal"....

As a child no one would attack her due to mental illness when she spoke bs. Since she has grown up and been outcast by countries like
Israel she will most likely become a call girl or something other then a once named future political prostitute. She is at an adult age where she is in the adult world. No longer immune from her mental childish fake outrage. Probably photoshop who knows

There was no insurrection. Unless you believe everything the AP says. No one has been charged with that despite all the show trials.

And unless you somehow consider over 100% turnout in some jurisdictions, or giant number count junps in the middle of the night while everyone sleeps, or barricaded counting rooms, or double and triple feeding bsllots through a tabulator, or 20 ballots coming from an open field or a commercial address "normal"....

Whoops your a moron again!

And in case you are too stupid to look up seditious conspiracy, I'll do it for you.

Seditious conspiracy is a federal crime that involves two or more people conspiring to overthrow the federal government by force. The charge includes two elements: conspiracy and sedition. Sedition is defined as incitement or advocacy of insurrection against an established authority.

Whoops your a moron again!

And in case you are too stupid to look up seditious conspiracy, I'll do it for you.

Seditious conspiracy is a federal crime that involves two or more people conspiring to overthrow the federal government by force. The charge includes two elements: conspiracy and sedition. Sedition is defined as incitement or advocacy of insurrection against an established authority.
Name calling works so good. Really reinforces your position. Or not...

Advocacy of something is not the same as the thing itself. Example: advocating for women's rights isn't the same as having women's rights.
Name calling works so good. Really reinforces your position. Or not...

Advocacy of something is not the same as the thing itself. Example: advocating for women's rights isn't the same as having women's rights.
Weasel words and whining
I think you need to refer to a dictionary.
Seditious conspiracy is not the same as an insurrection (though they are related). I was not using weasel words. Nor was there any whining in my post.
I think you need to refer to a dictionary.
Seditious conspiracy is not the same as an insurrection (though they are related). I was not using weasel words. Nor was there any whining in my post.
Ok then... Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night.

You better rehydrate with some orange Kool aid
Sorry for the grammar. It is a good excuse to hide instead of address the point when looking like a moron
Weasel words and whining

Ok then... Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night.

You better rehydrate with some orange Kool aid


Hey cock sucker what gives you the right to direct attack ppl. When you offer to suck someone’s cock and they say no then you are the type to call them homophobic …. You attacked me earlier .. I made a general post and you made it specific and insulting when turning your post to direct at me in particular. You attack others. Because you are self righteous. You are out numbered in this post and everyday life. Ppl are realizing you are full of shit

I don’t like cock suckers. Does that make me homophobic? No means no - cock sucker.

No one was charged for insurrection. Be insulting again …

You come here and insult because you are butt hurt and want to be direct with your name calling so can expect it back
This is described as chit chat no rules. You are not civil when directly talking to ppl. So don’t expect it to be civil back.

Now that we have that out of the way.

MeLee 6 Jan 2021

Cry to the mods like a bitch faggot. Or admit you are wrong and hug your new boy friend…. would you like my other foot up your ass. You are going to lick this shit off before it stains the leather. You cow killers are trying to make leather go away with your pleather. Do faggots wear pleather mask now? Gimp boy..

Wow. I'm not sure I've cracked someone into a mental breakdown on the Internet before.

diy solar

diy solar