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diy solar

Inflation Reduction Act may be Unconstitutional - Take your Credits ASAP

Then there is of course the whole notion that CO2 is a "pollutant" - is it really? Can you really call something that is REQUIRED for life a pollutant?

I am not going to argue that too much of a good thing is still too much. But what are we basing the "too much" on?
They increase U.S. debt and are a way to divert funds to certain industries.

Does your mom know you're digging into her liquor cabinet and then playing on diysolarforum when she leaves the house to go to work?
Yea, and you are here posting fossil fuel propaganda verbatim because they are angry that they aren't the industries getting funds diverted to them after enjoying subsidies for years.

Pot meet kettle.
So you don't actually believe it.

You do believe it but you're too poor to buy an electric car and solar panels

You do believe it but you don't care so you continue to engage in the liberal behavior of telling others they need to do things you aren't willing to do yourself.
You should take up a side job as a fantasy writer. Not sure you would sell many books when they are crayon doodles, but worth a try!
Yea, and you are here posting fossil fuel propaganda verbatim because they are angry that they aren't the industries getting funds diverted to them after enjoying subsidies for years.

Pot meet kettle.

This doesn't jive with democrat rhetoric of "oilgopoly" etc.

You bipolar histrionic goofballs pretend like oil companies care and won't just pass on price increases to the consumer.

The oil company isn't the polluter, the person who uses their product is.

And we know that since you are poor and live at home with your mom that you don't own a Tesla or probably even a single solar panel.
Hope you are also a vegan, because the AG of NY is suing the largest US beef producer because their cows fart too much.
Nah...won't be giving up my meat. I like to have a deep freezer full of cow at all times.

I do get the cow from my personal friend that raises them on the leftover hay from their primary hay business. So at least trying to minimize there. data to support your statements. Who would have guessed!?

So let's just play your stupid game and ignore per capita. We are still the second or third largest emitter in the world. So your stupid logic is that we shouldn't worry because we are in second place instead of first, and not aim to improve, build green tech, and sell it to other developing nations? A major breakthrough here could be used in every country on earth and make a huge impact. But we aren't in first place so let's just stop trying and whine about China some more!?

What the fuck are you talking about the "environmental costs of fossil fuels is a one time thing"? You literally have to set them on fire to use them. It's a fucking EVERY TIME thing. Are there not trucks and pipelines moving them around the country? What kind of ass-backwards logic are you using here? Too stupid for words.

I literally told you to include infrastructure emissions for your green energy vs. fossil fuel comparisons that you haven't provided any data for. I'm stacking the deck in your favor and you are still going to be wrong.

Patiently awaiting a single piece of data to support your made up bullshit.

According to our own EPA, transportation is the single largest contributor to greenhouse gasses. Converting all private vehicles to electric is a very long-term thing. So much for attacking that problem for "short-term" emission reductions.

Solar, hydro and wind are simply not capable of replacing traditional electricity generation. Since we let liberal mouthpiece idiots ruin our nuclear plant building programs, we are left with burning fossil fuels for power generation. Like it or not many of those who screamed the loudest about the environment to stop nuclear power have literally forced more fossil fuel power plants to be built. Oh, the irony...

You can't have your cake and eat it too. Cancel nukes, drive your ICE vehicles and then sit and pass judgement on all the people around you who continue to live like they can and have been - as you do the same.
This doesn't jive with democrat rhetoric of "oilgopoly" etc.

You bipolar histrionic goofballs pretend like oil companies care and won't just pass on price increases to the consumer.

The oil company isn't the polluter, the person who uses their product is.

And we know that since you are poor and live at home with your mom that you don't own a Tesla or probably even a single solar panel.
More fantasy writing...does it help you cope with being a moron or something?

Are you really so naïve to think that the fossil fuel industry doesn't lobby and write bills in this country? Do you need some examples? Duke energy just did it here in NC.
According to our own EPA, transportation is the single largest contributor to greenhouse gasses. Converting all private vehicles to electric is a very long-term thing. So much for attacking that problem for "short-term" emission reductions.

Solar, hydro and wind are simply not capable of replacing traditional electricity generation. Since we let liberal mouthpiece idiots ruin our nuclear plant building programs, we are left with burning fossil fuels for power generation. Like it or not many of those who screamed the loudest about the environment to stop nuclear power have literally forced more fossil fuel power plants to be built. Oh, the irony...

You can't have your cake and eat it too. Cancel nukes, drive your ICE vehicles and then sit and pass judgement on all the people around you who continue to live like they can and have been - as you do the same.
More fantasy writing. I've been hoping we can get some of the new nuclear tech up and running for decades now.
Nah...won't be giving up my meat. I like to have a deep freezer full of cow at all times.

I do get the cow from my personal friend that raises them on the leftover hay from their primary hay business. So at least trying to minimize there.
Wow, didn't know leftover hay produced less fart. But fact is, you pick and choose how you care.
This doesn't jive with democrat rhetoric of "oilgopoly" etc.

You bipolar histrionic goofballs pretend like oil companies care and won't just pass on price increases to the consumer.

The oil company isn't the polluter, the person who uses their product is.

And we know that since you are poor and live at home with your mom that you don't own a Tesla or probably even a single solar panel.
It takes energy to get oil out of the ground.
Nah...won't be giving up my meat. I like to have a deep freezer full of cow at all times.

I do get the cow from my personal friend that raises them on the leftover hay from their primary hay business. So at least trying to minimize there.

"My frend has cowz and solurr panelZ"

More fantasy writing...does it help you cope with being a moron or something?

Are you really so naïve to think that the fossil fuel industry doesn't lobby and write bills in this country? Do you need some examples? Duke energy just did it here in NC.
So now duke energy is a fossil fuel producer.
Got it.

What bill did they just pass other than a utilities bill?

Let me guess you live in Mecklenburg, Wake or Ashe county.
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He shredded your argument and all you can do is stomp your feet.

You wonder why people hate liberals.

Ok your done.. ignore.
When was I talking about methane in a solar forum? When did I talk about banishing meat consumption?

Do you even know what strawman arguments are? How many crayons have you consumed today?
So now duke energy is a fossil fuel producer.
Got it.

What bill did they just pass other than a utilities bill?

Let me guess you live in Mecklenburg, Wake or Ashe county.
Might want to google a bit. It was a bit of hit to the solar industry. You would think someone on a solar forum would care.
More fantasy writing. I've been hoping we can get some of the new nuclear tech up and running for decades now.

More fantasy writing. I'm sure all of your "hoping" is going to fix the problem. As you sit in your high chair, insulting everyone who posts a point counter to your own beliefs, does it ever occur to you that there just might be two or more correct answers to a problem?

I laughed at your "left over" hay comment. It is literally the best definition of a hypocrite I've seen in years. According to your "logic", if a cow eats hay grown specifically for them and they fart, that is bad. But if they eat "left over" hay that was grown for other purposes and they fart, that is acceptable. BTW - who are the consumers for your friend's hay business? Oh the horror if they are growing hay to feed animals that also fart.

News flash - it's the fact that you are eating the cow at all that is contributing to the issue of cows farting, not how they are fed. If there wasn't a consumer for the beef, the cows wouldn't be bred and fed for them. If you eat beef then you are a contributor, in your case otherwise known as a hypocrite.

I am glad I saw this thread - it has reminded me that I have two lovely ribeyes hidden in the fridge, ready for the Traeger this evening...

diy solar

diy solar