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diy solar

Keurig chaos SOLVED!šŸ˜ƒ


Solar Wizard
Aug 23, 2021
Some of you that have high frequency inverters may have noticed a bit of pulsing when the Keurig is brewing yet nothing else, not even the starting of the central airā€™s condenser does a thing. Well that was me. Im theorizing that the heating element is over overpowered and itā€™s regulated with pulses. Unfortunately the pulses are just at a frequency where the inverter is caught in a vicious cycle of over and under compensating. These pulses have also been known to cause arc sensing breakers to trip.
I tried some inductors and filters to on avail.
Mercifully, the Keurig supreme kicked the bucket, so pulled out the big old Keurig elite out of storage. Well that resulted in a new problem. The elite has a pre-heat which cycles about every 5-15 minutes for about 6 seconds. When that cycles and the central air is on, I can hear harmonic rumbling from the blower motor. It must be ringing the that squirrel cage, I s*** you not! All I want is good cup of coffee without drama. So I got Elite Gourmet percolator(Amazon) which is cheaper than pods if I going to be around for more pours and works excellently and no disco lights. So Iā€™m over at Costco and about to bite the bullet again for another Keurig hoping the new models wonā€™t have the previous issues. Right next to it is a Nija dual brew for the same price. Sold American!
This thing makes a great cup of coffee, K- cup or carafe. Even iced, which Iā€™ve never tried before, not bad. If you want a strong cup of coffee when using a K-cup, select at least 10oz serving and classic setting. The conversion from K-cup to carafe and Vice versa is quick and simple and the different components swap into a convenient holder on the back. A measuring scoop stores on the side. Itā€™s taller than the Keurig so if you have kitchen cabinets you might need to have it a bit forward to operate. Closed itā€™s 15-1/4ā€ tall and you need at least 21ā€ to open. Mine would fit under but I kept it halfway so I could fully open the top. It has altitude compensation and a timer so you can wake up to the smell of coffee. It came with a spare part in a little box(pump part?) that I taped to the back so I can find it. So far so good, time will tell. Now I have multiple ways to get my fix and no pulsing lights to break my mood. Edit: I donā€™t use filters because the basket is big with a huge amount very tiny holes, very easy to dump and rinse clean.

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I bought this several years ago and did not notice a problem running it on my inverter. It draws around 1112 watts. It has a basket in a side compartment to put regular coffee in it. The Coffee in the back ground of your picture is what I have tried with basket. It tastes better than regular Keurig pod coffee in the basket.
Walmart Classic Roast is Cheap readily local available too. The old coffee grounds can be used in compost later.

The percolators have to be made weaker for coffee amount as the coffee sits it gets stronger through out the day. Grand parents used the electric kind and another one that sat on top of wood stove as heat source for years. Before went into military my grandfather made me a coffee with Irish whiskey in it. He died while I was away in a foreign country. I still remember the smell of that coffee. :)

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