diy solar

diy solar

Lead-acid battery monitor for 6V cells within a 48V battery


New Member
Feb 23, 2020
Hi, everyone. I haven't posted here in a while, and frankly I lost interest in it.

Going through some old projects and I thought I'd toss this one out to see if there might be enough interest to pick the project back up and finish it.

This is a battery monitor that checks the voltage of 6V batteries and displays the result on a moving bar (or dot) LED display. The voltage is expanded, so you see 5.5V on the low end and 7.5V on the high end. There are 8 individual monitors so it will cover a 48V nominal battery.

The circuit monitors the voltage and if a under voltage event occurs, a stand along LED will indicate it. The monitor will also let you know if you have AC power available from the grid or inverter.

I'm mike, wb8vgeIMG_1845.jpgIMG_1846.jpg


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diy solar