diy solar

diy solar

Lifpo4 Batteries and Float Charge


New Member
Feb 23, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I've been having issues with my Renogy 24v 50ah (non smart) battery. The issues are the battery will suddenly go into a resting state, at night, without charging, while I'm drawing power. The voltage is approximatly 26v. This also happens when I'm not using the battery at all, except for the Bluetooth dongles.

Renogy has asked me to do a multitude of troubleshooting and it includes setting the Float Charge to "0".

Will this be problematic while I'm using the system during the day? I've heard this can set me up to lose available solar charging if needed.

The real debate is weather a Float of "0" is realistic. Perhaps the float should be set to 27.6v while I'm actively using the battery but set to "0" when I leave for two weeks or so.
Not sure of the complete test but setting the float to zero is fine temporarily to eliminate a question about the troubleshooting situation.

Can alway put float back when done. Although I recommend a little lower to maybe 26.60v.

diy solar

diy solar