diy solar

diy solar

Lithium booboo


New Member
Jan 24, 2024
I'm new to solar and lithium and generally not strong in all things electrical. Hoping to benefit from the wisdom on this site!

I have a sailboat and decided to replace the house bank of AGM batteries with Lithium and upgrade the solar. It already had 3 x 345W flexible panels.

I found a contractor and In Septemeber, 2023 they replaced the existing AGM bank with 8 12 Volt 125Ah Lithium Deep Cycle Batteries. They were also going to upgrade the solar system.

The new solar tower was just installed last week with 4 x 405W solar panels.

When they went to connect everything they discovered that the existing solar (3X 345W) had been charging (since September) but that it was not compatible with the new lithium house bank.

They disconnected the system and ordered a new compatible charger.

My question is how can I test the new lithium batteries to make sure they are ok?

Thanks in advance for your expertise.
If the charger was configured for FLA .... it could cause a problem. If it was properly configured to charge your AGM batteries, it's not going to be a problem.
An attempt to perform equalization would be a problem.

What SPECIFIC batteries do you have?
Thanks Bob. That's reassuring. I presume the original charger was set to charge the original AGM bank so that sounds positive.

The lithium batteries are Ionic 12V 125Ah LiFePO4.

Thanks Bob. That's reassuring. I presume the original charger was set to charge the original AGM bank so that sounds positive.

The lithium batteries are Ionic 12V 125Ah LiFePO4.

I don't know anything about the Ionic App ... but, they do have Bluetooth monitoring, so you should be able to keep track of how they are performing.
The original charger for the 3 x 345V panels was a Mastervolt and the new (compatible with lithium) is a Victron 100/30 MPPT. I'll check on the Bluetooth monitoring.

diy solar

diy solar