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Lots of venomous snakes around our property

Kumabachi have a black face, suzumebachi have a yellow face. Easy to tell them apart.
then mine are kumabachi, not suzumabachi. I never bothered to learn much more other than they need to go... funny hting is I am allergic to the damn things... found out the hard way about two years after I got out of the Corps.

Well you know what the say about ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We're doing good with the suzumebachi traps. Otherwise we get a yoga ball sized nest each year.
I wonder if there is a trap for the kumabachi queen?
What I'm reading about Kumabachi is "males are completely harmless, and females will only sting if severely and directly provoked." I would probably just ignore them if I were you.
If you don't have suzumebachi you are one lucky dude. They are a royal pain in the butt.
If you don't have suzumebachi you are one lucky dude. They are a royal pain in the butt.
it might be a temperature thing, or a season length thing. its cold here (as in burning firewood) from October through late may. not a real long season for some of the more irritating aspects of life in Japan. Maybe they do not handle the cold as well as the Kumabachi? also no Mukade here in Fuji, only in yokosuka. and none of the giant friggin spiders either, though we have them in spades in Yokosuka, they are cat playthings around our yokosuka house. cats stalk them at night and leave the legs laying about. Had one cat for a while that was also a Mukade hunter.. he would end up with the side of his face all puffed up about twice a year from when he mistimed his attack.
it might be a temperature thing, or a season length thing. its cold here (as in burning firewood) from October through late may. not a real long season for some of the more irritating aspects of life in Japan. Maybe they do not handle the cold as well as the Kumabachi? also no Mukade here in Fuji, only in yokosuka. and none of the giant friggin spiders either, though we have them in spades in Yokosuka, they are cat playthings around our yokosuka house. cats stalk them at night and leave the legs laying about. Had one cat for a while that was also a Mukade hunter.. he would end up with the side of his face all puffed up about twice a year from when he mistimed his attack.
Oh man dude that sounds so nice to be free of those things. What's your rough elevation there in Fuji? Feel free to PM or not answer.
Oh man dude that sounds so nice to be free of those things. What's your rough elevation there in Fuji? Feel free to PM or not answer.
1100 meters, so not super high but the weather in our area is totally weird compared to 10-15 km's on either side of us... we are close enough that Fuji really affects the weather paterns. take Kofu for instance, its only about 30-40 km's from us, but it get hotter there then it does in kanto. and its at roughly the same elevation, but becasue its in a weird valley, or bowl, heat gets trapped there and its warm in the winter and deathly hot in the summer.

it will snow on either side of us and we will not even get a dusting, even though our area is colder, all the moisture gets dumped at Sussuno or Fuji City and then on the other side of us it gets dumped at Yamanaka ko and we get nothing, but the cold weather 🦡 🦡 🦡
figure this one out. right now outside its 19° but the relative humidity is like 70%. its like a wet cold ass fog.... I run the A/C in dry mode with it set to 24 degrees and it puts out heat!
figure this one out. right now outside its 19° but the relative humidity is like 70%. its like a wet cold ass fog.... I run the A/C in dry mode with it set to 24 degrees and it puts out heat!
I'm really envious of your cool climate, I wanted to move to Hokkaido just to escape the heat.
ever had an angry goose come at you? makes a rotweiler look like a pansy.. no kidding.
Your afraid of a wee bird :)
They are all bluster & utterly toothless, & understandably get a bit territorial during nesting (don't we all), Isn't that a good thing? to scare off your snakes. In all the years I've had them, I've never been beaked, too be honest they tend to be scared of me, except during nesting. Like most animals if you raise them from chicks, you might even be able to hug them.
They know where they should not be, occasionally sneaking into a neighboring field, as soon as they see me they quickly go back home, probably because they know I may trim 1 wing of feathers for their poor behavior, stops them from flying over the fence, only have to trim a few offenders. I did have a nasty small rooster once that would attack you from behind, & I don't push my luck with my old tusked boar.
The geese look like dinosaurs the way they walk with 2 legs, & attract a lot of bird life from the neighboring wetland, I get spoonbills, white egrets, herons, plovers, teals, black swans & ducks coming in to join them in the winter/spring ponds.
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Your afraid of a wee bird :)
They are all bluster & utterly toothless
Yes thats what the beak is for.
The geese look like dinosaurs the way they walk with 2 legs, & attract a lot of bird life from the neighboring wetland.
they are direct descendants of Dino's... and they are inviting the others to freed on your corpse after a well planned and coordinated attack. Best bet is to roast them right away and throw a little Hollandaise sauce right before they are done... Just do not eat all of them at once... eat the shitheads first to set the tone with the rest of them ;) ha ha ha (I am joking of them all at once!)
Your afraid of a wee bird :)
They are all bluster & utterly toothless, & understandably get a bit territorial during nesting (don't we all), Isn't that a good thing? to scare off your snakes. In all the years I've had them, I've never been beaked, too be honest they tend to be scared of me, except during nesting. Like most animals if you raise them from chicks, you might even be able to hug them.
They know where they should not be, occasionally sneaking into a neighboring field, as soon as they see me they quickly go back home, probably because they know I may trim 1 wing of feathers for their poor behavior, stops them from flying over the fence, only have to trim a few offenders. I did have a nasty small rooster once that would attack you from behind, & I don't push my luck with my old tusked boar.
The geese look like dinosaurs the way they walk with 2 legs, & attract a lot of bird life from the neighboring wetland, I get spoonbills, white herons, egrets, plovers, teals, black swans & ducks coming in to join them in the winter/spring ponds.
Wow sounds like you're living an interesting life. I would love to have lots of birds and animals around.
I would love to have lots of birds
If your on a budget, & Sebastopol Geese are rare in Japan, you can start off with a pair of common Japanese domesticated species & once your confident with them, try to source some fertile Sebastopol Geese eggs to put under a broody common goose, they nest late winter/spring. They also interbreed with other species. Probably see a DIYGOOSE forum :). Some are good parents others are not, they can step on their young & if a chicks leg is damaged they'll die. Normally they lay 12 - 17 large eggs (cholesterol bombs) best eggs for baking, 1 would make a whole Tamagoyaki, though I fry mine, leave minimum of 3 eggs to encourage them to keep laying & to hatch. Dispite Daddy Tanuki goosephobiaism :) they are harmless & useful to have around. Its the becked Kappa you need to be careful of.

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If your on a budget, & Sebastopol Geese are rare in Japan, you can start off with a pair of common Japanese domesticated species & once your confident with them, try to source some fertile Sebastopol Geese eggs to put under a broody common goose, they nest late winter/spring. They also interbreed with other species. Probably see a DIYGOOSE forum :). Some are good parents others are not, they can step on their young & if a chicks leg is damaged they'll die. Normally they lay 12 - 17 large eggs (cholesterol bombs) best eggs for baking, 1 would make a whole Tamagoyaki, though I fry mine, leave minimum of 3 eggs to encourage them to keep laying & to hatch. Dispite Daddy Tanuki goosephobiaism :) they are harmless & useful to have around. Its the becked Kappa you need to be careful of.

No phobia, We had geese and turkey's along with chicken and pigs when I was a youngster. they can be vicious... but they all taste so good ;) I am a member of P.E.T.A. (People Eating Tasty Animals) and as such feel the need to spread the love, sometimes I feel like Forest Gumps buddy Bubba... theres roast bird, and fried bird, and baked bird, there be BBq'd bird and frickaseed bird and lemon pepper bird...
No phobia, We had geese and turkey's along with chicken and pigs when I was a youngster. they can be vicious... but they all taste so good ;) I am a member of P.E.T.A. (People Eating Tasty Animals) and as such feel the need to spread the love, sometimes I feel like Forest Gumps buddy Bubba... theres roast bird, and fried bird, and baked bird, there be BBq'd bird and frickaseed bird and lemon pepper bird...
We had those too. All of them on farm.

I was about 6-7 years old when this huge tom turkey flogged me. That was a big bird. Those are meanest birds every seen beside ostriches.
I beat the shit out of that bird…….kicked him with cowboy boots. Those pointed toes put him on his ass.
I chopped his head off that coming thanksgiving. Got picture of me eating his oven roasted browned leg. Yummy. Raised him from tiny baby bird. Mother turkeys are mean as hell and protective too. We never got to attached to farm animals - food. Farmers were best in military. …… Would not hesitate. 😳 Lot of ppl use to say reason so many awards went to farmers - most ppl farmed. Like 2a wasn’t for hunters - most ppl hunted. If founding fathers were told needed hunting license there would been assault muskets going off. No questions. The 2a was not for hunting food.
We had those too. All of them on farm.

I was about 6-7 years old when this huge tom turkey flogged me. That was a big bird. Those are meanest birds every seen beside ostriches.
I beat the shit out of that bird…….kicked him with cowboy boots. Those pointed toes put him on his ass.
I chopped his head off that coming thanksgiving. Got picture of me eating his oven roasted browned leg. Yummy. Raised him from tiny baby bird. Mother turkeys are mean as hell and protective too. We never got to attached to farm animals - food. Farmers were best in military. …… Would not hesitate. 😳 Lot of ppl use to say reason so many awards went to farmers - most ppl farmed. Like 2a wasn’t for hunters - most ppl hunted. If founding fathers were told needed hunting license there would been assault muskets going off. No questions. The 2a was not for hunting food.
yeah we had a Tom turkey that made the mistake of attacking my grandpa from behind when he had a chainsaw in his hand... he swung around and hit the damned thing in the head and damned if it did not survive with scars until thanksgiving came around. lots of scars but nothing fatal so grandpa finished it off the day before thanksgiving... I did not miss that thing at all.
Lots of venomous snakes around the property here. See snakes around all the time and maybe half the time they are venomous ones.

Was working in the area where we have our panels today and saw a Japanese pit viper (called "mamushi" in Japan). According to Wikipedia, "Every year, 2000–3000 people in Japan are bitten by a mamushi. Bitten victims typically require one week of treatment in a hospital." (They don't mention that Japanese hospitals will keep you a week in the hospital for something that is same day outpatient in the rest of the world).

Anyway, trying to figure out what I'm going to do about them, if anything. I'm 95% sure I'm going to just leave them alone. I realize they aren't aggressive. The one I saw today just slithered away. They’re vital to the ecosystem and serve as great pest control, getting rid of excess rodents and ticks.

On the other hand, because we have a lot of tall grass around it seems like it would be awfully easy to step on one. Yeah, I know I should keep the tall grass cut but that would become a full-time job and just too many other things to do.

We also have mukade (poisonous centipedes) and suzumebachi (the so-called "Murder Hornets") and I have no hesitation eliminating them.

Adopt an old Thai farmer they will eat all your pests.

Jokes aside we have pretty much all of the above plus alot more, few years ago I managed to get a murder hornet stuck in my funny Welsh afro within seconds I got attacked by a swarm managed to escape by jumping into one of the ponds 11 stings a trip to the hospital for antihistamines, some old lady did some voodoo on me demanded by my in-laws and 3 hours of pretty excruciating pain wife still wouldn't let me set fire to the nest it's now in our prayer room thankfully not occupied any longer.1644554635451~2.jpg
The centipedes are pretty painful also, sting can't last upto 4 days so I've heard, but chickens love to eat them so we're pretty good on the farm.

As far as snakes I don't know what to suggest other than cut your grass, vipers, king cobras and kraits will generally stay away as long as your not aggressive towards them but monocled cobras are evil they just want to start a fight luckily the dogs tend to warm me about them in advance. You could buy a weed whacker and just cut paths when and where you need them.
Ultimately I'd say get some chickens, a dog and a weed whacker, cut your hair and stay the hell away from hornets.
Adopt an old Thai farmer they will eat all your pests.

Jokes aside we have pretty much all of the above plus alot more, few years ago I managed to get a murder hornet stuck in my funny Welsh afro within seconds I got attacked by a swarm managed to escape by jumping into one of the ponds 11 stings a trip to the hospital for antihistamines, some old lady did some voodoo on me demanded by my in-laws and 3 hours of pretty excruciating pain wife still wouldn't let me set fire to the nest it's now in our prayer room thankfully not occupied any longer.View attachment 227674
The centipedes are pretty painful also, sting can't last upto 4 days so I've heard, but chickens love to eat them so we're pretty good on the farm.

As far as snakes I don't know what to suggest other than cut your grass, vipers, king cobras and kraits will generally stay away as long as your not aggressive towards them but monocled cobras are evil they just want to start a fight luckily the dogs tend to warm me about them in advance. You could buy a weed whacker and just cut paths when and where you need them.
Ultimately I'd say get some chickens, a dog and a weed whacker, cut your hair and stay the hell away from hornets.
yeah some of your snakes make Japanese snakes look cute... No pet Mongooses? No Riki Tiki Tavi? inquiring minds want to know!
yeah some of your snakes make Japanese snakes look cute... No pet Mongooses? No Riki Tiki Tavi? inquiring minds want to know!
The big malinois are pretty adept at killing most snakes that come into the gated garden but the outside dogs are much smaller and smarter they just bark at them. We currently go through 11 peoples worth of rice, a kg of kibble and 4kg of chicken a day feeding the dogs then we have the cats, chickens and a tortoise. I've been asking my wife if we can home endangered pangolins to try keep the marauder ants in check but she's having none of it, mongooses have no chance.
I went to Bangkok once ..... We went to a large zoo / circus there. They had some absolutely HUGE snakes there .... The one was in a glass cage that was about 8 foot square and the snake was wrapped around in it several times. Sign said they captured that snake after it ate a full grown pig and couldn't crawl away.

We were trying to get to an area where they put on a show with Asian elephants .... We came across an area that was about 25 yards square with only a short brick wall a foot or so tall around it ... We were thinking about cutting thru there for a short cut. As we looked closer, that whole area was full of cobras ..... no warning signs that we saw.
Oh, and the elephant show was impressive .... They had those elephants tossing around huge teak logs like they were kindling.

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