diy solar

diy solar

MPP 3048 - AC to recharge battery ONLY


New Member
Aug 10, 2023
Pittsburgh, PA
I've been playing around a bit with my MPP 3048 that is on my handcart setup and I can't figure out the right settings to get it what I want it to do... I do not want AC to pass thru to the load. I want load to only take from solar or battery or both but not AC but I want to be able to ONLY charge the battery with AC. I do not want any load higher than the battery charge limit on the AC line.

Is this possible? Help with the right settings to do this? Right now (and I've tried a number of settings) it seems that no matter what the load is taken from the AC despite there being battery and solar available. It's in SbU mode can't recall all the others off the top of my head.

Tips/assistance appreciated!
It may be that since there's only one 'inverter' function, if you are using the inverter to charge the batteries from the grid there's no circuit to power your loads from the battery at the same time.

Sounds silly to add a ChargeVerter to your handtruck, but that may be the only solution given the constraints above.

diy solar

diy solar