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diy solar

MPP Solar out of Taiwan any good?

MPP is pretty popular on the forum and are cheap and seem to work fairly well too. I don't think I've seen anyone posting about blowing one up. Their idle power draw is a bit on the high side, but that's really it. They are HF inverters so be aware that they can have problems starting high surge current motors, but aside from that they are pretty robust and simply shutdown in the face of that abuse but don't blow up like several other HF inverters do.

Purchasing direct from Taiwan has warranty implications so if that is a concern track down a seller in your country and see if their prices are reasonable.
SOOOOOO werid....

Without searching, this video was just on my main page....

Yes, They are wonderful: no surprises nor games.

Because of the above video, when I blew up my Heart Inverter this winter, I decided to check out MPP Solar.
Over the course of a few months, I had quite a correspondence with Peggy at MPP.
I think I want to marry her.

I wanted 2,000 W of 12v inverter. She suggested I wait for the 1,000 watt 12v inverter (and everything else), PIP-LV-1012-MK, they would be coming out with by the end of March. About March 23rd, I got an email from her saying they were available.

A few more email later, I finally bought two in May, at exactly the quoted price for the two units,. parallel pkg and shipping that she quoted in February.

Shipped by DHL air, they arrived in about a week, all the way to my small town in Alaska. (75% of the stuff on Amazon will not ship to Alaska!).

They have now been installed on my boat for the last few weeks. Working exactly as advertised, I am very happy, though still figuring out some settings.

After the fact, when I mentioned they were installed on my boat, I got a concerned email saying they were not certified to get wet. I responded not to worry, neither are any of the other electronic devices and if they get wet, my problems go well beyond the inverters. !

All in all, could not ask for more from any company. I've had some other companies, both US based and overseas, that quote prices shipped to USA, but then change their mind or can't figure out how to ship to Alaska or change the price. Not MPP Solar.

This is exactly what I paid, as first quoted:

USD 365*2 pc , plus USD 35*2 for 2 parallel kit

Shipping to US will cost at USD 180 ( to either Seattle or Alaska )
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I got one from Alibaba last year after mpp Taiwan said China could get it faster . Got it in 5 days. Have another one from tw coming soon
I don't think these were available when I ordered the lv2424 hybrid . I don't know if id go this way anyhow. It does save on some space overall. And less wires. But having only one unit does make a single point of failure.
Check out DavidPoz review: Split-Phase Inverter, LV5048, Test Solar, Off-Grid
I have this unit. Really like it. I'm running split phase as well and it runs my 240v well pump no problems. Watchpower software is pretty helpful as well
These seam to have a lot bang for buck. Has anyone used them?

They are originally from Taiwan, but I think they have a dealer in the USA. Easier to return for warranty if you are there.

I have a 12V unit, a lot of people are using these units worldwide.
Re: The MMP's All In Ones: I like they produce pure sign wave ac voltage; like the economical cost, plus hearing good reviews (via by Will P, and then this forum)

Re: My Solar Panel Configuration Option for the made in Taiwan MPP (brand name) LV2424 All In One: I purchased two LV2424s w extras to go for 240 vac split phase option; and I have two different configuration options for the solar panels I purchased.
Both of the following configuration options are within the LV2424's specs:

Seeing some folk in this thread have history with MPP's line of All In Ones; I wonder what opinions might be for my best choice of solar panel configuration:

I have 6 solar panels w Specs: 345 watts; Open Circuit Voltage 46.59 vdc / Voltage at MPP 37.93 vdc /Current at MPP 9.10 amps.
My MPP's LV2424 Specs for Solar Panel Input = MPPT Range @ Operating Voltage = 30 - 115 vdc ;
... & Max. PV Array Open Circuit = 145 vdc

Which Solar Panel Configuration would you think is Better:

Option #1): I could (go for max volts @ less amps) parallel two sets of three solar panels wired in series: for running about 113.79 vdc @ up to 18.2 amps to my LV2424 All In One's MPPT. Potential Advantages: Less amps make better use of wire cable size /with less volt drop (my run length is only 30 - 40 feet / likely on 8 awg copper). Potential Disadvantages: Solar Panel config producing 139.77 open circuit voltage is Close to the 145 oc v spec.of LV2424; and the potential 113.79 vdc from solar panels array is very close to the LV2424's MPPT max with specs (30 - 115 vdc).

Option #2) - or - I could (go lower volts @ higher amp) parallel 3 sets of 2 solar panels wired in series : for running about 78 volts @ up to 27.3 amps to my All In One's MPPT. Potential Advantages: Less volts is closer to battery voltage, while not so close to max ocv of LV2424 specs. Potential Disadvantages: Higher amps need bigger wire size for both safety and less volt drop (my run length is only 30 - 40 feet / likely on 8 gauge copper wire).

Both Solar Panel Configuration Options match the MPP LV2424 specs!
Which one would you think might be my Best Choice? ... and Why?
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Re: The MMP's All In Ones: I like they produce pure sign wave ac voltage; like the economical cost, plus hearing good reviews (via by Will P, and then this forum)

Re: Solar Panel Configuration Option for the made in Taiwan MPP (brand name) LV2424 All In One: I purchased two LV2424s w extras to go for 240 vac split phase); and I have two different configuration options for the solar panels I purchased (both configuration options are within the LV2424's specs).

Seeing some folk in this thread have history with MPP's line of All In Ones; I wonder what the opinions might be for my best choice of solar panel configuration:

I have 6 solar panels w Specs: 345 watts; Open Circuit Voltage 46.59 vdc / Voltage at MPP 37.93 vdc /Current at MPP 9.10 amps.
My MPP's LV2424 Specs for Solar Panel Input = MPPT Range @ Operating Voltage = 30 - 115 vdc ;
... & Max. PV Array Open Circuit = 145 vdc

Which Solar Panel Configuration would you think is Better:

Option #1): I could (go for max volts @ less amps) parallel two sets of three solar panels wired in series: for running about 113.79 vdc @ up to 18.2 amps to my LV2424 All In One's MPPT. Potential Advantages: Less amps make better use of wire cable size /with less volt drop (my run length is only 30 - 40 feet / likely on 8 awg copper). Potential Disadvantages: Solar Panel config producing 139.77 open circuit voltage is Close to the 145 oc v spec.of LV2424; and the potential 113.79 vdc from solar panels array is very close to the LV2424's MPPT max with specs (30 - 115 vdc).

Option #2) - or - I could (go lower volts @ higher amp) parallel 3 sets of 2 solar panels wired in series : for running about 78 volts @ up to 27.3 amps to my All In One's MPPT. Potential Advantages: Less volts is closer to battery voltage, while not so close to max ocv of LV2424 specs. Potential Disadvantages: Higher amps need bigger wire size for both safety and less volt drop (my run length is only 30 - 40 feet / likely on 8 gauge copper wire).

Both Solar Panel Configuration Options match the MPP LV2424 specs!
Which one would you think might be my Best Choice? ...and Why?
Go for option 2, max 2 in series, you should avoid getting near max voltages as its not safe. Also, your Vdc cant be lower than 30V or it wont start charging, so 2 in series will get you between 30-115Vdc and thats what you want for your SCC to work properly and safe.
Seeing some folk in this thread have history with MPP's line of All In Ones; I wonder what the opinions might be for my best choice of solar panel configuration:

I have 6 solar panels w Specs: 345 watts; Open Circuit Voltage 46.59 vdc / Voltage at MPP 37.93 vdc /Current at MPP 9.10 amps.
My MPP's LV2424 Specs for Solar Panel Input = MPPT Range @ Operating Voltage = 30 - 115 vdc ;
... & Max. PV Array Open Circuit = 145 vdc

Which Solar Panel Configuration would you think is Better?
3 panels in series at 46.59 volts open circuit x 3 = 139.77 volts on your 145 volt max input SCC.
Thats too close if you have cold temps.
Ask MPP if they blow up if over volted.
2S3P at 38 Vmp and 9 amps x 3 =27 amps at 40 feet is less than 2% voltage drop for 8 awg.
3 panels in series at 46.59 volts open circuit x 3 = 139.77 volts on your 145 volt max input SCC.
Thats too close if you have cold temps.
Ask MPP if they blow up if over volted.
I had the idea option 2 was my best choice when I first looked at my options. I then got opinions to go with higher voltage. One super experienced solar buddy told me voltage is king, plus MPPT units can take 10% or more on top of their ratings. ... But that is from working w top end grid tie equipment. Knowing this is an economically priced All In Ones from Tiawan, the feedback here helped me I decide to for sure go with the mid range/ lower voltage option, and not right up near max limits. Thanks for feedback.
3 panels in series at 46.59 volts open circuit x 3 = 139.77 volts on your 145 volt max input SCC.
Thats too close if you have cold temps.
Ask MPP if they blow up if over volted.
From when I messaged them about my setup, they seem to be ok with over wattage, but not over voltage. There is some wiggle room, but I'd ask them to make sure.

diy solar

diy solar