diy solar

diy solar

My solar panel simulators...


Solar Enthusiast
Apr 29, 2020
Nort-Rhine-Westphlia Germany
At my favorite electronic surplus discounter, I have ordered 6 pieces of 19v/5A laptop power supplies, and also 6 halogen 55W H3 headlamps.
The total bill was about $35.
Every power supply in series with a halogen 55W H3 headlamp simulates very closely a 100W 18VMPPT solar panel.
Since the power supplies are galvanically isolated, I can put the outputs in every parallel series combination.
So I will be able to simulate many PV situations, even at night and during the crappy winter weather in northern Germany.
I saw a Youtuber used a 19v laptop power supply connected through his Victron SCC as a back up shore power battery charger. I thought that was quite interesting. Can you show us some more of your set up?
I saw a Youtuber used a 19v laptop power supply connected through his Victron SCC as a back up shore power battery charger. I thought that was quite interesting.
Basically, you can always on a MPPT installation, replace a solar panel with a laptop power supply, or even inject 19V onto an existing 18V MP panel to replace missing sunpower.
On a PWM installation, I would avoid it, unless I'd have a small resistor in series, to avoid excess current in the FETs.

diy solar

diy solar