diy solar

diy solar

Need help boiler automation


New Member
Jul 21, 2024
I have a hybrid inverter + battery with JKbms. Installed solar assistant on Orange PI. Works great. I want to implement automation, if the battery charge is more than 70 percent, then turn on the boiler, if less than 65 percent, then turn off the boiler. I want to do the same with other loads. I understand that the home assistant needs to be integrated, but I don’t know whether it can be installed on the same Orange PI, or the home assistant needs to be installed on a separate platform? Maybe there are other methods? Thanks!
You can use Node-red and Shelly relays. Node-red will run on an Orange pi and had Shelly specific nodes which work well. You have not said which inverter you have, you would need its data output as say MQTT including SOC for Node red to read and take action on.

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diy solar