diy solar

diy solar

Need help with Chargery balance lead issue


New Member
Apr 29, 2020
I've connected my Chagery 16s to my LifePo cells, and I get a measurement error for cells 15 and 16. My volt meter results are as expected I measured the total voltage of 55.6V for the battery, the voltage over 14, 15, 16 is around 10.3V, and individually 14, 15, and 16 all report around 3.4 V. So this is a measuring error. I thought it might be a loose screw at the terminal or a bad crimp, but re-crimping and tightening the screws didn't work. As a final test I touched the bare wire of the balance lead for 14+ to the 14+ terminal, and it still showed as "low".

Any ideas or suggestions where I can start looking? I've included an photo of the readout. Another interesting point is that when the unit boots it defaults to 15 cells, and I have to manually set it to 16 before starting it.


  • chargery.png
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Ok, figured it out. Turns out I had the wires for 14+ and 15+ swapped around. With the wires the right way around things look normal.
Ok, figured it out. Turns out I had the wires for 14+ and 15+ swapped around. With the wires the right way around things look normal.

Thanks for letting us know .... glad it didn't damage the Chargery.

diy solar

diy solar