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diy solar

Netherlands: Necessary to connect inverter to fuse box by one cable?


New Member
May 18, 2024
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Dear Everyone,

I posted recently about my project. It is still ongoing. In the meantime there has been a lot of other stuff going on in my life. So that's a small excuse for not checking in in between.

Anyway, I don't know if anyone can help me. My question is about the Netherlands, and if it necessary or obligated, to have the cable from the inverter to the fuse box, to be one, uninterrupted piece of cable?

My question comes forth from the following: solar panels are placed on the shed. And the inverter in the shed. Which is about 23m away from the fuse box. Which is by the front door of the house.

I used an shielded ground cable 10mm2 (AWG 8), which is called an ymvk-as cable, in Dutch (there are more types.. this is the one I used). And run the cable under the house (through the crawling space), through a deep enough (80cm) hole/canal I dug, in the garden. And so to the shed. Also it is layed in an pvc pipe foe protection and easy exchange of necessary. But that is not of value to my question.

I initially wanted to connect the ground cable, by means of a junction box, in the same closet as the fusebox, and say a foot (+/- 33cm) above the ground, out of the crawl space. So that I could neatly connect the ground of the shield of the cable. And so that I could keep my fusebox itself neat, and don't have to connect the shielding inside the fusebox.

If I would/have to, connect the ground cable in the fusebox itself, than I do have heat shrink. So I could fabricate something neat and safe. But it isn't the most souple cable.
Having it, the ground cable, end in a junction box, about a meter (3 foot) from the fusebox, And than connect all the wires plus ground, through a wago or so, with a normal (not shielded-groundcable) cable to my fusebox. That would seem a lot nicer I think.
Also for when there is some unrelated, work on the fusebox in the future.

By the way, my initial plan was the same for the inverter side:
Ground cable coming in the shed out of the floor. 30cm / 1ft above a junction box. And from there connecting to the inverter with normal cable.

Now I know that what I described is a working option. But in my quest for solar these last months, I thought I read that by new standards, a cable for solar systems, needs to be an uninterrupted cable, from Inverter to fusebox.

Though I also thought that there is a lot of examples that can easily be imagined, where there has been for example been dig through a cable. When they fix this they usually (I think) don't replace a whole cable. But just connect it with a Junction box as well.

So I think that I am wrong. And while I also noticed people commenting elsewhere, that there is something to be said to have a cable be in one piece. I think standard wise my interpretation should be that there aren't any other connections allowed on the cable between inverter to fuse box.

Anyway, before I won't stop writing: connecting the inverter and fuse box to each other with a groundcable by means of junction box , some wagos, and some normal cable, allowed or not?

Thanks in advance!

PS Of course I could phone a company with my question, though that's way to obvious of course. ;)
TL to fully read. Sorry.
I would run 1 piece of unbroken cable directly from the inverter to the main fuse in the fuse panel.
No Wagos or similar.
My question comes forth from the following: solar panels are placed on the shed. And the inverter in the shed. Which is about 23m away from the fuse box. Which is by the front door of the house..

Oke my Dutch reaction first after that the translation.
Its for me more easy to do.

Als ik goed begrijp is dit de situatie.
Zonnepanelen staan op de dak en daaruit naar de omvormer toe.
Van uit de omvormer gaat er een kabel in de grond naar de huis toe .
En de vraag is of deze gezekerd moet worden

De antwoord is ja .
Als de grond kabel kapot gaat wil je graag dat de stroom afslaat .
Maar moet deze nu bij de omvormer staan of in de meterkast .
De wet stelt dat alles gezekerd moet worden bij de zekeringkast.
Normaal gesproken gaat er een kabel van de huis naar de schuur toe en is je schuur op die manier gezekerd .

De juiste antwoord is heel simpel.
De kabel bij de omvormer moet gezekerd worden
Een zekering automaat is de beste oplossing.
Dat is een zeker met aardlek gecombineerd.
Reden is dat de omvormer is de stroom die levert.
En je wilt dit zo kort mogelijk bij de bron hebben .

Vraag nu is wat gebruik je de anderen kant ?
Gaat deze het huis in en zit je alleen op de omvormer te draaien of heb je nog gewoon stroom van uit de grond.

If I understand correctly this is the situation.

Solar panels are on the roof and from there to the inverter.
A cable runs from the inverter into the ground to the house.
And the question is whether this needs to be secured

The answer is yes.

If the ground cable breaks, you want the power to turn off.
But should it be near the inverter or in the meter cupboard?
The law states that everything must be secured at the fuse box.

Normally a cable goes from the house to the shed and your shed is secured in this way.
The correct answer is very simple.
The cable at the inverter must be secured
A circuit breaker is the best solution.
That is certainly combined with an earth leakage.
Reason is that the inverter is the one that supplies the power.
And you want this as close to the source as possible

Question now is what do you use on the other side?
Does it go into the house and you only have to run on the inverter or do you still have power from the ground?

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