diy solar

diy solar

New and wanting to learn - Does this system make sense?


New Member
Jun 13, 2024
Below is an image of the footprint I have in mind. I have a lot of learning to do, but I want to see if this layout even makes sense from the start.

I have 62 370W bifacials and 2 18KPVs.
Waiting on some IntegraRack IR-30 ground mounts.

There is a lot of distance from the array to my main service panel. I have a sub panel in my well-house located right next to the array. The subpanel was there for a well that is no longer in service. I'm not sure of the state of the panel or how many amps it's configured with, but I imagine very low.

I have a roughly 400ft cable run from the array to my main service panel. Does this setup seem feasible? Should I put the inverters in the well house and then run that power to the main panel, or place the inverters by the main panel and run the pv strings the long route?

My goal is to run my house off mostly solar and have backup in case of power outages. Unfortunately, I don't think this size array will power all of my needs, so I still need to be grid-tied. Last January my house consumed 6,232kwh of energy (🤯 very inefficient home —this was mainly the furnace running 24/7)!! My lowest usage month was September, with 1,546kwh. I would love to expand the array to be grid-free, but my property is very shaded. This is why the array is placed where it is —the only sunny spot on the 1.5 acres.

I obviously have a lot of research ahead of me before building this. I'd like to run everything myself and then get an electrician to finish it and grid-tie. What are your thoughts? I'm in central Texas.


diy solar

diy solar