diy solar

diy solar

No idea what I'm doing...


New Member
Sep 12, 2022
The title says it all. I am just starting with solar and have no idea where to start. I would like to do some off grid solar power for my garage and was talking to a friend of mine and he's got some slightly used 375w mono panels for sale at $195 each. I also came across some used 250w poly panels for about $80 each. Are these good deals for panels and should I pick panels up first and then look at the other stuff? I want to keep my initial investment under $2k just as a start. Do you guys know of a good guide or video for someone just starting with solar?
Will Prowse has a collection of excellent instructional videos on his own channel on youtube.
Try this one, "Electricity Explained," for starters.

Also, this list of videos for beginners, posted by Will...

Thread 'Beginner Video Playlist'

Almost all my study of solar power system function and construction has been on Will's youtube videos and these forum pages.

Enjoy the learning..!!

diy solar

diy solar