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diy solar

Noob question on AC Inverter/Charge Controller to Lynx Distributor


New Member
Jun 21, 2024
I'm new to battery storage. I'm was watching this video on installing a charge controller so he could charge a battery backup with solar. He connects the charge controller to the Lynx Distributor. He also has an AC Inverter and the batteries connected to the Lynx Distributor.

Can you walk me through what's happening in the setup? What is the charging the batteries? How does the AC Inverter and the charge controller know how much power to send to the Lynx Distributor? My understanding is that the charge controller provides DC power and the BMS is charging the batteries, is that right?

The charge controller regulates the DC power from the solar panels to charge the batteries via the Lynx Distributor.
The AC inverter converts DC power from the batteries into AC power for use by household appliances.
The Lynx Distributor acts as a central connection point for managing the flow of power between these components in your solar energy system.
I'm still not sure I understand. Consider me a 5 year old 😆. All three equipment are connected to the Lynx Distributor. Let's say the batteries can charge at the max rate of 1kw. The AC inverter dumps 3kw into Lynx Distributor and the charge controller dumps 5kw into the Lynx Distributor.

From my understanding the Lynx Distributor should have 8kw, right?
How does the battery pack know to only pull 1kw from the Lynx Distributor?
The dryer turns on and needs 6kw to run, AC inverter wants to pull 6kw from the batteries, which equipment pulls 1kw from the batteries?
And if there is 5kw coming from the charge controller can the AC inverter pull 5kw from the charge controller and 1kw from the batteries?

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diy solar