diy solar

diy solar

Off grid system - School project

Is electrical engineering now just catalog shopping? Solar is a wonderland of things you can build. I have refrigeration, three hot water heaters that work on diversion, dishwasher and laundry washer and it runs on just a car battery. And my battery is always full. It has to be because it keeps me alive at night. Systems work here because everyone obscenely over designs. Priority load scheduling and using energy when it is produced is the future of solar.
Priority load scheduling and using energy when it is produced is the future of solar.
That's actually pretty much the past of solar.
That's how it had to be done, when solar was expensive. While it can still be done this way (and still save money) . It's now cheap enough to treat it like the grid and do what you want whenever you want.
I don't want to worry about what I can do. Or when I can do it. So, I designed my system so that I don't have to.