diy solar

diy solar

Over charging AGM battery?


Solar Enthusiast
Nov 26, 2019
I built a portable generator using a 100Ah AGM battery. I recently bought a portable refrigerator and wanted to do some testring for an article on my web site. I took the battery down to 75% during one of these tests. Usually I'd use my portable solar panel to recharge the battery, but there has been no sun for days up here in New England

A few years ago, a whole bunch of us RVers were buying and using a Black And Decker "Smart" charger that was the "Cats A**" back then. It offers multiple stages of charge and you can set the bulk amp stage.

To bring the battery back up to 100% for the next phase of testing, I used this battery charger set at 40A. The battery was back up to 95% within 20 minutes! I then set it to 20A and brought it up to 100%....From there it went to trickle charge at 1A

My question is.......Is it bad to dump 40A into a battery at this state of discharge?

My understanding is you should only charge an AGM battery at 20% of capacity (in this case, 20 amps?)

Any comments would be appreciated.....
After the battery reaches saturation voltage 14.4, 14.6, etc youre supposed to switch to constant voltage variable current mode. Supposed to hold voltage and taper amps to under 1 then go into float. Forcing 20A at 95%+ can dry an AGM and ruin it.

You shouldve noticed it getting warm, no?

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diy solar