diy solar

diy solar

Panels won't turn on


New Member
Nov 15, 2023
First system I've done, all good except inverter to solar panel communication issue

2 Sol ark 15k's
52 - Solarever 455 watt panels on barn rooftop mount - 150' away from basement where inverters are
6 strings - 3 to each sol ark
Tigo ts4 a 2f modules - 1 per 2 panels
Tigo rss transmitter dual core kit

I can't get the solar panels to turn on, right now I'm using the B/B pins on master sol ark to go directly into the Emergency shut off button on barn but not using pins 15/16, only using the Tigo rss transmitter with the dual cores powered by a 120v connection as the Tigo website said the sol ark 15/16 pins weren't sufficient power for the transmitter. I originally put the transmitter in basement and ran all 6 negative pv wires through both cores and had no luck, I then read it could be a cross talk issue since I only have one 2" conduit from barn to basement with all the pv wires in it, so I removed three of the strings from the sol ark #2 and still no luck. Next I moved the Tigo transmitter from the basement to the barn so it was closer to the panels, started with 3 strings, no luck, then tried just one and still nothing. I do have dc breakers in the barn where each string is connected before heading to the basement but I bypassed the breakers also thinking they could be the problem, but that didn't work. Please let me know of any other things to try, hoping it's something simple, I will attach some pics of my set up. Sol arks are up and running off of grid power and batteries are full. Thanks for the help


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Only one comment{

In image 2056, it looks like there are some Snap On ferrites (probably the "cores" that you mentaioned).

With only a single PV cable running through a core, they will become saturated easily, and become much less effective than if any single core has BOTH the positive and negative leads, from a single PV array. This creates a Common-Mode choke, the DC currents cancel out, eachotheer, leaving only the Noise currents, and no core saturation.

I am assuming quite a bit ... Luke
Ok those ferrites/suppressors came with the sol ark inverters since they are the emp hardened version, the Tigo rss cores are the bigger circles in the one pic where all 6 negative pv wires are running through. I also made sure to install black side facing the arrays per Tigo.
First system I've done, all good except inverter to solar panel communication issue

2 Sol ark 15k's
52 - Solarever 455 watt panels on barn rooftop mount - 150' away from basement where inverters are
6 strings - 3 to each sol ark
Tigo ts4 a 2f modules - 1 per 2 panels
Tigo rss transmitter dual core kit

I can't get the solar panels to turn on, right now I'm using the B/B pins on master sol ark to go directly into the Emergency shut off button on barn but not using pins 15/16, only using the Tigo rss transmitter with the dual cores powered by a 120v connection as the Tigo website said the sol ark 15/16 pins weren't sufficient power for the transmitter. I originally put the transmitter in basement and ran all 6 negative pv wires through both cores and had no luck, I then read it could be a cross talk issue since I only have one 2" conduit from barn to basement with all the pv wires in it, so I removed three of the strings from the sol ark #2 and still no luck. Next I moved the Tigo transmitter from the basement to the barn so it was closer to the panels, started with 3 strings, no luck, then tried just one and still nothing. I do have dc breakers in the barn where each string is connected before heading to the basement but I bypassed the breakers also thinking they could be the problem, but that didn't work. Please let me know of any other things to try, hoping it's something simple, I will attach some pics of my set up. Sol arks are up and running off of grid power and batteries are full. Thanks for the help
I was considering using those Optimizers so will be following your thread.

I’m sorry I can’t help you with current issue.

I have almost the same setup as you minus the Optimizers.
I have no idea, but I would troubleshoot as follows:

Are you getting 0.6v x # of panels in the string? If so, that is an indication that the ts4a is working.

Use multi meter to check input power voltage to the rss. Make sure you have correct polarity.

Work on one string.
Try one core in both directions.
Try the other core in both directions.

Try reversing the connection on the rss, and core in both directions on the wire.

Try the core on the red wire in both directions.

Remove the ts4a from the circuit, and see if the string works.
I don’t get any voltage readings because the panels aren’t “on” because of the ts4’s not working. I did try most of your suggestions already and still nothing. I do have a couple extra panels and just hooked one up solo without any modules and it reads .6 volts at my barn dc breaker and at the sol ark but the sol ark didn’t recognize any solar input, not sure if that’s because it’s only 1 panel or there’s a setting on the sol ark I’m missing. The dc switch on the side is turned on and I did reset it also.
@DIYrich suggestion is a good one. Even when the Tigo modules are "off" they pass 0.6v per module. That helps with debugging. Because if you don't measure 0.6V x the number of modules at the end of each string at the inverter, then you have a wiring issue or a bad module in the string. It only takes one bad modules in a string, or one swapped connection to prevent the whole string from turning on.
Just double checked voltages and here's what I have, looking like there could be wiring/module issues on all strings :oops:
String 1 (9) panels - 2.95 volts
2 (9) panels front roof - 2.95
3 (8) panels front roof - 2.35
4 (9) panels front roof - 2.95
5 (9) panels side roof - 0
6 (8) panels side roof - 0
I moved the Tigo rss transmitter out in the barn so it’s closer to array. I’m working on just one string and I get a -2.95 volt reading at barn and in basement (inverter). When I plug in the transmitter the voltage goes to -1
I’m not actually sure for the double panel modules if it’s 0.6v per panel or per module. But my guess it’s per Tigo module.

On the strings with an odd number of panels, you must have an unused panel input on one of the double modules? What did you do with that? Is that supported?

If it is, I would guess you have to connect the unused leads together. Or it’s probably cheaper to use a 1 panel module.
Correct, on the odd number strings Tigo says to just connect the 2 unused wires together on the 2f modules, I had to do this on 4 of the 6 strings.

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diy solar