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diy solar

Power line conditioner for gasoline generator


New Member
Jun 23, 2024
Cat Spring,Texas
Found out from Generac my model gasoline generator doesn't have an inverter and can interfere with sensitive electronics.
Just recently had an electrician put in an 8 circuit Generac transfer switch is why I was checking it out.
Generac recommended a power line conditioner that acts as a voltage regulator and surge protector.
Can anyone recommend a particular brand? There are some expensive ones out there with big claims.
Might be cost effective for one or two 48v batteries and an inverter. Then add a charge verter. Generator runs the chargeverter keeping the batteries happy and the house runs off the inverter that is powered by the batteries.

Set the inverter to solar/util/battery mode. That way it runs off utility but will shave some cost off the util bill if you add solar panels. In the event of a power failure it goes to the batteries. The generac will crank up and run what you have connected to it at that point which would be the chargeverter charging the batteries. Power comes back on the inverter will switch back to the grid and the generac will turn off.

Depends on how much one of those conditioners cost as to whether this is a good idea or not.

Its basically how my system is setup now.

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