diy solar

diy solar

PV + by itself a potential shock threat?


Inventor of the Electron
Sep 29, 2021
Would the positive in a solar array flow to earth, or only to the negative terminal in the array? Meaning would just touching a live solar array positive shock you?
I know if you end up making the circuit from a disconnected mc4 connector it hurts ALLOT!

So having one end of the cable in your left hand and the other end of the cable in your right hand you will not enjoy the results :)

As for just holding one end of the a fore mentioned cable scenario had no effect.
The negative terminal is not connected to ground but I would not want to put that to a test with HV.
It is possible that water might have gotten into a panel and is creating contact to the frame.
Incidentally you need to consider PV neg and PV pos the same. Both are current carrying and either could be connected to ground.
Standard physics says, you need both terminals for the current to flow.

But you can get a shock from just one PV terminal especially if string voltage is very high (hundreds of volts if not 1kV+). How so?

Air itself does have some conductivity depending on many factors (temperature, humidity). Not a lot of current flows through, but possibly enough to feel it in some conditions.

But much more dangerously there may be moisture in the other plug that may complete the circuit to ground and that may be lethal if the other one is touched.
shit I can feel tingles in my fingers when I inadvertently touch the wrong terminals on a 16s pack.... thats under 60 volts, so yeah i think two or three panels in series would give you a wake the F up jolt. if not injure you in the process.

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diy solar