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diy solar

RF Quiet BMS for Ham Radio


New Member
May 22, 2020
I want to know whether the DALY 60A 12V 4S BMS is RF quiet. I'll be using it for a ham radio, which is extremely sensitive to RF noise. Another seller on Alibaba badges it with their own brand; Deligreen.

Screen Shot 2020-05-28 at 8.20.03 PM.png

A popular ham radio YouTuber uses an unbranded BMS sold by LiTech. He has been using it extensively, so I presume it is RF quiet. However, it isn't waterproof and costs more.

LiTech BMS:
Screen Shot 2020-05-28 at 8.25.04 PM.png

Thanks for your suggestions!
There are a lot of Ham radio guys on here. One of them may be familiar if it is or not.

I don’t think the BMS is he noisy part, anyway, I think the inverter has the worst rep for RF waste...
There are a lot of Ham radio guys on here. One of them may be familiar if it is or not.

I don’t think the BMS is he noisy part, anyway, I think the inverter has the worst rep for RF waste...
All my radio gear loves 13.8V DC, and new laptops can be charged by USB-C. So, I'm not considering AC for this build. Solar power controllers, however are also noisy. Genasun brand solar controllers are favored by hams, and that's what I intend to use.

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