diy solar

diy solar

Search not working...

does the search capture links and link titles posted in comments ? for example I searched for ZZP with no results but I know a thread exists with it.

does the search capture links and link titles posted in comments ? for example I searched for ZZP with no results but I know a thread exists with it.

Well this ones funny. Since you made that post when I search I get this :

Search results for query: zzp

[IMG alt="KnobCountry"][/IMG]

Search not working...

does the search capture links and link titles posted in comments ? for example I searched for ZZP with no results but I know a thread exists with it.

So it found zzp that you posted so its saying it doesn't exist anywhere on the site besides what you typed in.

I have no clue if that's right or not but it looks right-ish :)
Ok actually zzp is not on the site and cannot be found because that's an ebay link not part of the site itself so the answer is no it doesn't search posted links apparently.
The problem with auto parsing links like forums do (because you can't expect everybody to understand how to write in BBcode or to even know how to click the URL insertion buttons) is that it disallows searching in that method.

For example in this case what happened is the person just dropped the link in the thread and the forum auto parsed it as a followable URL and then auto populated the title from the eBay link.

Example of battery balancer,
What's weird is it if you are on desktop and if you were to view the source of the webpage that text "ZZP Solar 24V Voltage Battery Balancer..." would exist, but it is not being saved client side by the forum.

Now if the user had typed-

[‎‎URL='']ZZP Solar 24V Voltage Battery Balancer Equalizer[/URL]"

Or used the URL (chain link icon above the text input box) button to insert the link and had manually typed in a descriptor.

...then this would be dsiplayed-
ZZP Solar 24V Voltage Battery Balancer Equalizer

And then because the URL title now has a description in it (rather than the link just being the web address), then the search term "ZZP" would be found.
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diy solar

diy solar