diy solar

diy solar

Sense check for the uninformed 20kw system


New Member
Jul 4, 2024
Hi, appreciate that folks may be sick of this kind of query but hoping you'll help me out

Moving to a new property with a large field attached so wanted to get a project together for a ground mounted system. Aiming for as close to self sufficiency as possible albeit there will be a grid connection as uk winter not especially conducive to off grid. not worried about feeding back to grid.

Before going to anyone. I wanted to get an idea of what im asking for.

Its a large v old house with some electric heating. So not efficient, more places to put power than i could ever generate (move central heating off biofuel/swimming pool etc). But settling around 40kwh per day as a sensible figure to start with.

What would a good ground based system look like.
I had 20kw in mind,

Any advice on the rest ie. Panel brands, Charge controllers, Invertors, 3ph/1ph single or multiple. Suggested battery type and size and number, Mount systems ie. The ones that are static or tilt to increase efficiency.

Ill likely end up doing the grunt work. setting the mounts and panels maybe even running some wires in ducting etc as im from a civ eng background but would be getting an installer to do everything electrical but i just want to be armed to get some quotes in so i know what im looking at

Thanks in advance

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diy solar