diy solar

diy solar

Short Cycle LifePower4 batteries


Solar Enthusiast
Feb 23, 2023
I searched and did not find a definitive answer or consensus.

I have an 18, with 12 LifePower4 batteries.

My utility is 1 to 1 net metering.

So using my batteries makes no financial sense, since I lose efficiencies charging and discharging, I actually cost myself money when running on teh batteries.

Their primary role is as a whole house UPS anyway.

So currently, I have my on grid setting at 85% cutoff.

So most days, I will cycle between 85 and 100%.

So two questions, are short cycles OK? I have seen conflicting info re short cycling, either "you will ruin the batteries" or "no problem" or "it's better"

If it is OK, is the 85% I am doing OK, or should it be another spread?
It has been said that it is "best" to not hold LFP at 100% for an extended period of time. So cycling down to 85% would prob be an ideal scenario for maximum lifespan.