diy solar

diy solar

Should I buy 2 string inverters for having 4 MPPT ?


New Member
Apr 1, 2024
Dear all,

At a location of LAT 52, all 4 rows on my pitched roof have different sun exposure and shadow. and I wonder if 2 string inverters are good enough to handle those differences ?

Here are these 4 rows , ordering from best to worst in sun exposure : 1, 2, 3, 4, panels are 1134 mm x 1762 mm.

- Row 1: 8 panels x 440 Wp = 3520 Wp
- Row 2: 7 panels x 440 Wp = 3080 Wp
- Row 3: 8 panels = 3520 Wp
- Row 4: 7 panels = 3080 Wp

Question 1: In 2024, I would only install these 2 rows 1 and 2 (6600 Wp total), can a Growatt MOD 6000 TL3-XH with 2 MPPT handle them well ?
Question 2: Probably in 2027 I would buy some more panels for rows 3 and 4, would that be easy to be backward compatible with the 2024 system, probably with ?


Following 2 pictures are sun curves in the summer (12nd June) and winter (12nd Dec)


  • Sun_Location_12_Dec.jpg
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  • Sun_Location_12_June.png
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Post the panel specs.

The max Voc is 1,100v. You might be able to put 15 panels on one roof per mppt: rows 1 and 2, and rows 3 and 4. The 13,200 watts of all the panels is a little more than the recommended 12,000 watts.

Assuming 15 panels work on one mppt:
1) install 15 panels on the growatt.
2) in the future install the additional solar to the existing growatt. See if you get clipping.
3) if clipping, parallel a 2nd inverter.

consider getting a larger model instead of buying a 2nd later. It is not clear if the model can be paralleled. One larger is usually cheaper than two smaller. But, two smaller provides power if one breaks. Two 6k's can provide more max power than one 10k (largest model in that series). One 10k should use less power than two 6k's (could be 1kWh per inverter).
Thanks for your help
Panel model name: Tiger Neo N-type 54HL4R-(V) 425-450 Watt MONO-FACIAL MODUL
Spec is at the bottom of this post.

In 2024 I only install rows 1 and 2, each row is attached to a MPPT (the same for row 3 and row 4) because all these 4 rows have different sun exposure and shadow.

2024 config:
- row 1: one MPPT for 3520 Wp
- row 2: one MPPT for 3080

, is Growatt MOD 6000 TL3-XH good ?

I need this small panel of 1176 x 1134 because the roof is small with obstacles and I want to optimize the surface.

You said "It is not clear if the model can be paralleled." <--- Do you mean not clear if 2 inverters can work in parallel ?
I think one Growatt of 10 Kw or 12 Kw doesn't work well to cover all 4 rows, because each row has different sun exposure and shadow.


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diy solar