diy solar

diy solar

Simple ? RE Lockout and Critical Loads


New Member
Jul 23, 2021
So, two separate questions, just to help my better understanding:

1. When people setup a panel with a generator lockout thing, the point is to supply that panel (let's assume an AC panel) with lets say either grid or AC from an inverter, but not at the same time...I think I got that right. But, my question is it looks like from the videos they have both the grid and inverted feeds coming into the breakers from the wire nut/lugs that then supply the do the breakers work bidirectionally or do you have to make sure you get special breakers for this or are all modern breakers bidirectional nowadays?

2. Is the point of a critical loads panel to separate out what loads you want on a certain supply and other loads one would put in another panel for a different supply? Or are they to reduce the draw on the inverter setup to match what the inverters can handle?

Feel free to elaborate, as I've tried to look some of this up, but just wanted to better put it together in my head.
1. When people setup a panel with a generator lockout thing, the point is to supply that panel (let's assume an AC panel) with lets say either grid or AC from an inverter, but not at the same time...I think I got that right. But, my question is it looks like from the videos they have both the grid and inverted feeds coming into the breakers from the wire nut/lugs that then supply the do the breakers work bidirectionally or do you have to make sure you get special breakers for this or are all modern breakers bidirectional nowadays?
Yeah breakers provide symmetrical forward and reverse current thresholds to protect the battery from damage caused by over charging and discharging.

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diy solar