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diy solar

SOK Batteries for Van Application


New Member
Mar 30, 2021
On Will's recommendation page for batteries he lists the SOK batteries. The price is very appealing but two questions: Is it bad for van applications/too fragile, and should I completely avoid getting it and go with Battleborn? 2nd Question: Can it be wired in series?
SOK batteries are as fine for vans as Battleborn. And they can be wired up to 4 in series for a 48V system.

I too was waiting patiently on SOK to get some batteries in stock but I found the batteries in the above link and pulled the trigger on three of them. The 100ah battery he offers is very similar (I think better) to the SOK 100ah battery. The battery is housed in a metal servicable case, the cells and posts are robust and the BMS is capable of series or parallel configurations. It comes with a bluetooth monitor "baked in", too. If you look for them on YouTube he does a teardown where he shows all of the features and the internals. Best part is the price is just $499 each (on sale through Easter weekend) and they are in stock in the US. I ordered mine on Tuesday evening and UPS is saying they will be delivered on Saturday. I spoke to the owner and asked several questions which were answered promptly and he even offered advice on my system which was a pleasant surprise.

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