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Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!


I don't believe I possess the ultimate truth or wisdom. So why should I get to dictate to people how to live their lives? Just let people who don't harm others be, but don't silently condone the violent actions of the psychopaths either.
Yes but IMO those that seek power are probably the ones that don’t deserve it. This is exactly why we stay away from it. The truth is some direction is necessary and it takes a wise man (with a moral compass ) to do this. We both feel the same and one of the reasons we do not want to be in charge.
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So generally true however the CIA has in years past not been the most upfront in its methods. I’m just not a nation builder in general. Exceptions yes.
When people get stuck in some ideology, communism in Soviet Russia, or anti communism in the US, globalism, nationalism, you can get some really terrible things happening.
When the USA was founded no one wanted to lead. Our legislators were obligated to one term then back to their original lives. It was a duty to serve one term. Being a Legislator was not intended to be a lifelong profession. Power corrupts.
So generally true however the CIA has in years past not been the most upfront in its methods. I’m just not a nation builder in general. Exceptions yes. I think our form of democracy has a few issues that need addressing.

The methods may be secretive, our goals and motivations are upfront.

Our form of democracy does indeed have a few issues that need to be fixed. We need to outlaw all corporate lobbying, and because most individual sense of honor and integrity has disappeared in these last decades, we need to update our system of accountability as well.

We also need to remove some of the congressional and presidential autonomy and put more decision making in the hands of the public.. that wasn't practical in the early days, but it is now.

We have a lot of problems, but none of them are dictatorship level. Don't let one political party or another flood you with hyperbole or exaggerations. That stuff doesn't just harm the country as a whole, it harms individuals as well. It is my belief that this hyperbole is causing some of the mental health issues we are seeing today. A percentage of our population really are that stupid.
Yes but IMO those that seek power are probably the ones that don’t deserve it. This is exactly why we stay away from it. The truth is some direction is necessary and it takes a wise man to do this.
So I deserve power because not only do I not seek it, I would refuse the position if it was offered to me?

There are decent politicians in the US that I disagree with, Mitt Romney, McCain, they could defend their position with facts and did not get offended if some one disagreed. McCain's vp pick on the other hand made me laugh as the "bridge to nowhere" that featured in his campaign had to go away as that bridge was build under her watch. As for foreign policy, I find democrats rather weak, if you state there is a line that should not be crossed, then there should be consequences when that line is crossed. If you are not prepared to do that, don't make statements like that.

When you govern, you govern for all and you will have to allow people to make mistakes, it is ok to get drunk, it is not ok to drive under the influence. It is not ok to advertise alcohol as a fun thing without mentioning the possibility of misery that can come from it in the same add.
One thing that never made sense to me. Why would any sane person spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to run for an elected position that pays only let’s say $150k or less? A good example is a local Sheriff’s race. Here it pays $60 -70k. Who would 10x over spend for that position and why?
When the USA was founded no one wanted to lead. Our legislators were obligated to one term then back to their original lives. It was a duty to serve one term. Being a Legislator was not intended to be a lifelong profession. Power corrupts.
The USA was founded by conquest and later rebellion. In time it became a democracy and a leading one at that. Don't know if it will last though. I think if it keeps going like it is now, the states will split up.
How is it possible to earn $200k in Congress and become a multi millionaire when you leave? It just isn’t possible without corruption.
One thing that never made sense to me. Why would any sane person spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to run for an elected position that pays only let’s say $150k or less? A good example is a local Sheriff’s race. Here it pays $60 -70k. Who would 10x over spend for that position and why?
There are people who believe (rightly or wrongly) they have the answers to the problems and want to do right by others. Others run because they believe it is a great infomercial.
The USA was founded by conquest and later rebellion. In time it became a democracy and a leading one at that. Don't know if it will last though. I think if it keeps going like it is now, the states will split up.
I agree. It’s just too easy to fall prey to it. Heck I honestly can’t say it wouldn’t affect me. Id like to think I would say no to it but with millions thrown my way who knows. I’m just smart enough to stay away from it as I know my faults. I do not even want the temptation. One thing for certain the longer you stay the easier it is to justify it.
How is it possible to earn $200k in Congress and become a multi millionaire when you leave? It just isn’t possible without corruption.
That depends, look at Obama, he made millions from his books. The Clinton's both get huge sums from speaking arrangements. Scott Pruitt on the other hand was always in it for the money.
That depends, look at Obama, he made millions from his books. Clinton got huge sums from speaking arrangements.
Yes but those are all the forms it takes. Big book deals and speaking fees are another form of graft. It’s just a legal way of funneling money. If I wish to buy influence that is the way it’s done. Campaign contributions are similar but there are restrictions on amounts. Speaking fees and book deals are unlimited and unregulated. They all do it but it’s wrong.
Yes but those are all the forms it takes. Big book deals and speaking fees are another form of graft. It’s just a legal way of funneling money. If I wish to buy influence that is the way it’s done. Campaign contributions are similar but there are restrictions on amounts. Speaking fees and book deals are unlimited and unregulated. They all do it but it’s wrong.
Look at Russia, Putin thought he could fix corruption, he soon learned he could do better by becoming the top crime boss.

I have no problem people writing books or getting to speak at university or corporate events. I have a problem with those same companies donating to the political campaigns of politicians.

But if we focus on the negative, human kind will be doomed.
Look at Russia, Putin thought he could fix corruption, he soon learned he could do better by becoming the top crime boss.

I have no problem people writing books or getting to speak at university or corporate events. I have a problem with those same companies donating to the political campaigns of politicians.

But if we focus on the negative, human kind will be doomed.
Agree but on the other hand if we do not identify the problem we cannot fix them. One other thing, who provides these speaking fees and book deals? Big Corporations if not directly then through endowments to the universities. It’s all connected just a legal way to pay for influence. I do not know how to fix it. Not so easy tuning down millions for just a small favor.
I’m not pro Russia or Putin. My own belief is that they are on the right side of things right now. I know you feel differently but that’s just how I see it at this moment. I think the people of Ukraine have been duped and their country has become the center of USA political money laundering among other things. They are fighting a proxy war for the USA.
One thing that never made sense to me.
If that's the case, you should really read more books.. more autobiographies, more non-fiction in general.

Why would any sane person spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to run for an elected position that pays only let’s say $150k or less? A good example is a local Sheriff’s race. Here it pays $60 -70k. Who would 10x over spend for that position and why?
Generally, most of the time, its because they're not spending their own money, they spend the money from campaign donations.

Less often, its an altruistic thing.. when someone worth billions doesn't mind blowing 500 million to do something they believe "is the right thing to do".

And although I don't believe it has actually ever happened yet, it is possible that a super rich person would be willing to spend a small portion of their money to try to take over the country...

How is it possible to earn $200k in Congress and become a multi millionaire when you leave? It just isn’t possible without corruption.
It makes absolute sense.. in fact, its a natural progression. If it didn't happen, then the person did something really stupid.

Money is made through two channels.. 1) You invent something people want. (google, facebook, Rubric's Cube, microwave oven, personal computer, etc) 2) You sell something people want. This requires a network, and usually a large and specific type of network. Being elected is a great way to dial up your networking goals to 11. Nothing immoral or criminal about it.

Are there elected officials who are corrupt? Sure, but our FBI goes after them with extreme prejudice, and we see examples of it in the news every few months.

Let me give you an example you'll understand that comes from my level of experience. I ran an automotive company for two decades.. I was the vice president of a small manufacturing business with about 200 employees. By the time I left the company, I knew a couple hundred plant managers of other industrial manufacturing plants in the local area, and a couple hundred sales managers from various suppliers of chemicals, steel, and other industrial supplies. Even the guy's at the local Grainger's know who I am.. You go to Grainger's and purchase a motor starter for $275, I'd probably pay about half that.. just for using my name.

When my hobby accidentally turned into a business several years later, I was able to call these people up and purchase supplies at industrial level discounts that no regular person could touch. I was able to obtain chemicals that regular consumers would have big problems getting their hands on.. and I was able to do these things because these people knew who I was.

That is how networking works.... The only problem with it is that if you don't maintain it, the network tends to evaporate as people retire or move on to other career opportunities. Sometimes you can rekindle it with a "Doesn't Bob still manage this department, we did business together for over a decade".. Oh, you knew Bob? and on it goes.

When your network includes bartenders, waitresses and school teachers, there's only so much you have access to.. when it involves leaders of industry, its an entirely different thing and you'd be a fool not to leverage it after leaving your elected position.

Its not corruption.. that's not to say corruption doesn't exist, but the corruption level you're implying doesn't exist... not in the USA.. We wouldn't be the USA if it did.
If that's the case, you should really read more books.. more autobiographies, more non-fiction in general.

Generally, most of the time, its because they're not spending their own money, they spend the money from campaign donations.

Less often, its an altruistic thing.. when someone worth billions doesn't mind blowing 500 million to do something they believe "is the right thing to do".

And although I don't believe it has actually ever happened yet, it is possible that a super rich person would be willing to spend a small portion of their money to try to take over the country...

It makes absolute sense.. in fact, its a natural progression. If it didn't happen, then the person did something really stupid.

Money is made through two channels.. 1) You invent something people want. (google, facebook, Rubric's Cube, microwave oven, personal computer, etc) 2) You sell something people want. This requires a network, and usually a large and specific type of network. Being elected is a great way to dial up your networking goals to 11. Nothing immoral or criminal about it.

Are there elected officials who are corrupt? Sure, but our FBI goes after them with extreme prejudice, and we see examples of it in the news every few months.

Let me give you an example you'll understand that comes from my level of experience. I ran an automotive company for two decades.. I was the vice president of a small manufacturing business with about 200 employees. By the time I left the company, I knew a couple hundred plant managers of other industrial manufacturing plants in the local area, and a couple hundred sales managers from various suppliers of chemicals, steel, and other industrial supplies. Even the guy's at the local Grainger's know who I am.. You go to Grainger's and purchase a motor starter for $275, I'd probably pay about half that.. just for using my name.

When my hobby accidentally turned into a business several years later, I was able to call these people up and purchase supplies at industrial level discounts that no regular person could touch. I was able to obtain chemicals that regular consumers would have big problems getting their hands on.. and I was able to do these things because these people knew who I was.

That is how networking works.... The only problem with it is that if you don't maintain it, the network tends to evaporate as people retire or move on to other career opportunities. Sometimes you can rekindle it with a "Doesn't Bob still manage this department, we did business together for over a decade".. Oh, you knew Bob? and on it goes.

When your network includes bartenders, waitresses and school teachers, there's only so much you have access to.. when it involves leaders of industry, its an entirely different thing and you'd be a fool not to leverage it after leaving your elected position.

Its not corruption.. that's not to say corruption doesn't exist, but the corruption level you're implying doesn't exist... not in the USA.. We wouldn't be the USA if it did.
Well brother another thing we will have to disagree on. I’m ok with your premise after on leaves office but while you’re on the public dole it should be played straight. These career politicians are all multi millionaires on a salary of $200k. The money must come from somewhere. If money is donated for campaigns then that’s what it should be used for or returned. If they couldn’t get rich as a career politician then they might not make it a career. I’m in medicine and we network as much as any. But graft and corruption have entered my field too. It saddens me but I see tremendous amounts of money being passed around to get the results they want. Not illegal just unethical. Call me high and mighty but I just can not bring myself to compromise what is best for my patients for money. I would treat you or your family the exact same way I’d treat my own family period the end.
Well brother another thing we will have to disagree on. I’m ok with your premise after on leaves office but while you’re on the public dole it should be played straight. These career politicians are all multi millionaires on a salary of $200k. The money must come from somewhere. If money is donated for campaigns then that’s what it should be used for or returned. If they couldn’t get rich as a career politician then they might not make it a career. I’m in medicine and we network as much as any. But graft and corruption have entered my field too. It saddens me but I see tremendous amounts of money being passed around to get the results they want. Not illegal just unethical. Call me high and mighty but I just can not bring myself to compromise what is best for my patients for money. I would treat you or your family the exact same way I’d treat my own family period the end.

Pretty much, but its really even simpler than that:

They "make money" in two ways:
1. Selling influence via revolving door and special favors.
2. Insider trading (This has been proven time and again, even in official "news sources". Worst case these guys get a slap on the wrist and all is forgotten). (Worst offenders for this was probably Corzine and Pelosi, but they all do it).

This is similar system to what was in USSR - a store clerk who stole a jar of sour cream to feed his hungry kids was made example of and persecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Party bosses and top officials stole billions (and continue to this day), but the worst they ever got is a slap on the wrist.

Same as it ever was. Why else would people seek power? For benefit of humanity? HAHAHA!
There was time (many many years ago) when i truly thought West and especially US are different in this respect, oh boy was I naive and wrong.
Well brother another thing we will have to disagree on. I’m ok with your premise after on leaves office but while you’re on the public dole it should be played straight. These career politicians are all multi millionaires on a salary of $200k. The money must come from somewhere. If money is donated for campaigns then that’s what it should be used for or returned. If they couldn’t get rich as a career politician then they might not make it a career. I’m in medicine and we network as much as any. But graft and corruption have entered my field too. It saddens me but I see tremendous amounts of money being passed around to get the results they want. Not illegal just unethical. Call me high and mighty but I just can not bring myself to compromise what is best for my patients for money. I would treat you or your family the exact same way I’d treat my own family period the end.
I’m getting late into my career and have reached a point that I have enough. Not rich by today’s standards but very comfortable. I really need for nothing but I have cheap tastes. My word and my credibility is priceless. It’s not for sale at any price.
I’m getting late into my career and have reached a point that I have enough. Not rich by today’s standards but very comfortable. I really need for nothing but I have cheap tastes. My word and my credibility is priceless. It’s not for sale at any price.

There are actually quite many people with those belives. People who made the old USA truly great - people with morals and work ethic. This is what made US US and envy to the world. But all good things always come to the end.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and it seems we have lost it (Although i still hope there is enough of us to rebuild once it all falls apart)
There are actually quite many people with those belives. People who made the old USA truly great - people with morals and work ethic. This is what made US US and envy to the world. But all good things always come to the end.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and it seems we have lost it (Although i still hope there is enough of us to rebuild once it all falls apart)
I’d rather live in a cardboard box than compromise at this point. That’s just me though.
Biggest reason I remain unvaccinated and still working is they need me and my skills more than I needed them.
I’m not pro Russia or Putin.My own belief is that they are on the right side of things right now.
So you are pro Russia/Putin.

I know you feel differently but that’s just how I see it at this moment. I think the people of Ukraine have been duped and their country has become the center of USA political money laundering among other things.
Nonsense, Putin chose to invade, he can also end the war by telling his generals to withdraw. He seriously miscalculated his own strength, the desire of Ukrainian people for self determination. He believed the West would only put up some meaningless sanctions. Now he is committed to his mistake.

IF Russia succeeds the West will massively increase military spending and in order to do that, they will need to increase taxes in order to pay for those. The West will increase military spending even if Russia loses, as they should, but that will quickly be reduced again as military spending in a time of peace is seen as wasteful.

They are fighting a proxy war for the USA.
Ukraine gave up weapons, including all nukes it inherited when the soviet union collapsed in return for security assurances from Russia, US, UK France and China. Failing to follow up on those assurances would make international agreements meaningless.
So you are pro Russia/Putin.

Nonsense, Putin chose to invade, he can also end the war by telling his generals to withdraw. He seriously miscalculated his own strength, the desire of Ukrainian people for self determination. He believed the West would only put up some meaningless sanctions. Now he is committed to his mistake.

IF Russia succeeds the West will massively increase military spending and in order to do that, they will need to increase taxes in order to pay for those. The West will increase military spending even if Russia loses, as they should, but that will quickly be reduced again as military spending in a time of peace is seen as wasteful.

Ukraine gave up weapons, including all nukes it inherited when the soviet union collapsed in return for security assurances from Russia, US, UK France and China. Failing to follow up on those assurances would make international agreements meaningless.
Well either way this will not end well for Ukraine. The US is going to bail sooner or later. Taxpayers are already tired of sending aid. Legislators will cave soon. Just my opinion. Support for Ukraine is diminishing fast here in the US. Our people are struggling financially here and are demanding Ukrainian aid be spent here helping our own. The heat is rising and I do not see an appetite for more war. Once that happens it’s all over.

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