diy solar

diy solar

Solar panel installation


New Member
Jul 2, 2024
Is it possible to hire someone to put solar panels on my roof (it's too high for my ladder) without trying to sell me a 20-year complicated financing? I'm not even certain I want to involve the power company (like selling energy back).

I would probably have them run the wires to where I want them to enter my garage. I'd like to build a 48v system with an EG4 6000XP and an expandable battery bank. I'd like to start with 400Ah - 800Ah. I'm OK running a few extension cords when the power goes out and I want to use my saved up solar energy.

Down the road I might like to tie this into my home's power system but I don't need it on day one. I just want to keep the option available.

Has anyone had luck finding an installer that isn't pushing a particular solution?

This is just a thought, check with a local supplier near you for “good” contacts. I know this has worked in the past for me with my pool. I don’t see why solar would be any different.

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diy solar