diy solar

diy solar

Solar system not producing enough power


New Member
Sep 3, 2022
I just installed 2 solar arrays on roff each has 16 300 watt panels each feeds a 6;2 kw xzunax hybrid inverter only getting 25 ampps 230vac from each array
I just installed 2 solar arrays on roff each has 16 300 watt panels each feeds a 6;2 kw xzunax hybrid inverter only getting 25 ampps 230vac from each array
Please provide clarity on how everything is wired (series, parallel, MPPT specs, and your units are correct.
Something doesn't add up..
Let's see:

Panels: 16 x 300 watts = 4800 watts
Post-inversion: 25 amps @ 230 volts = 5750 watts

I don't know where you're getting the extra wattage to reach 25 amps post-conversion. Your panels must be producing amazingly well, and above their rated specifications. :)
So i need to add solar panels? I am using 230vac output direct to led lighting I have 48vdc 100ah battery array on each system.
So i need to add solar panels? I am using 230vac output direct to led lighting I have 48vdc 100ah battery array on each system.
That depends on many variables such as what you are trying to power, how long you're trying to power it, etc.

How did you determine you aren't getting enough power?
That depends on many variables such as what you are trying to power, how long you're trying to power it, etc.

How did you determine you aren't getting enough power?
  • Your location
  • Shade
  • Cloud cover
  • Panel direction
  • Panel slope
  • Etc ...

diy solar

diy solar