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diy solar

Solax Battery size on inverter


New Member
Feb 1, 2023

I've got a Solax X1-Hybrid-G4 inverter with 2x TP58 (master/slave) installed.
I would like to know if there is a way to see the total capacity of the battery. I can see the % of the battery, but no way to knowing it in kW amount.
Is there a way to see this or how to work it out?

Thank you. I was hoping to see if there may have been a way to calculate this amount from somewhere... maybe the API data?
If for some reason the battery is not charging completely, or maybe the calibration is not correct, could we work out the power capacity of the total battery somewhere?

Maybe I'm talking riddles... it's just that I do not trust % numbers to tell me the capacity if I do not know how the % was calculated.

Thanks again
Thank you. I was hoping to see if there may have been a way to calculate this amount from somewhere... maybe the API data?
If for some reason the battery is not charging completely, or maybe the calibration is not correct, could we work out the power capacity of the total battery somewhere?

Maybe I'm talking riddles... it's just that I do not trust % numbers to tell me the capacity if I do not know how the % was calculated.

Thanks again

Now that's sadly I can't help you with , might be worth talking to your installer/supplier or directly to solax

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diy solar