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diy solar

Solved: Noisy Axpert inverter fan replaced with Noctua A8


New Member
Dec 11, 2022
I've replaced the stock fans of my Axioma BFP 5600 inverter (which is also branded as Voltronix or Axpert) with Noctua A8 and have few tips for others to save time.
The noise level after replacement is very low, almost indistnguishable, while it was very loud before replacement.
I would say there are 3 major solutions for noise issue:
1) Use temperature PWM controller for stock fans.
+ cheaper
+ do not require unmounting of stock fans
+ max airflow kept the same
- will still be noisy under load
2) Use silent fan
+ silent under any conditions
- slightly more expensive (A8 PWM is $17 on Amazon, there is cheaper R8)
- may result in lower airflow
3) Move the inverter into separate building (not all can afford this). I have it installed in the garage which is isolated from the home by door, but the nosie was still bothering me.

I was going to do 1) and 2) but after installing silent fan there is no need for controller.
There is no need to use Noctua low-noise adapter (which lowers RPM and noise even more), as it will lower airflow a bit with alomost no impact on noise.
The biggest issue is the inverter connector which is 1mm thinner than Noctua, so I needed to cut the wires and use thin white connectors instead of Noctua black.
Also, Noctua pinout is different, basically I need to swap middle 2 wires while keeping the side wires (black and blue) as is.
Unscrewing the fan is a bit tricky.
I will measure if there are any issues with the temperature over time and will report if any.


Interesting. My LVX6048WP used to be quiet when not under heavy load, but after the latest firmware update, it is constantly loud and the noise doesn't change load or no load. I suspect this last firmware just has the fan running at the highest RPM no matter what. Thinking of doing something similar to what you posted above, but don't want to mess things up. I might end up doing it, just for fun after I buy a different inverter.
My inverter (and other Axpert-based inveters as reported over internet) have very primitive algo for fan speed (linear dependency on the amperage), so after 30A the noise becomes terrible.
Currently my inverter_heat_sink_temperature is reported to be 65-66 degrees celsius (it was around 30 before), so installing of PWM controller could be helful. It seems Noctua is not very poweerful esp at 30% speed...
How's your solution going now ?
Did you install the controller too ?
I'm facing the same issue with the fan noise of default setup.
@danvy so far so good. No noise, invertor is still alive. The only problem is that it becomes really hot, especially in the summer when charging with 40A or more. I reduced the charging power on inverter to 30A, and maximum temperature is below 70C (ambient temperature outside is always less than 30C, usually 20C or less). I know that my inverter life may be shortened, so I need to install the controller, but did not have a time for that.

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