diy solar

diy solar

Starlink Mini DC power consumption


DC Powered
Oct 24, 2021
South FL
Been waiting for detailed DC power consumption review of recently released Starlink Mini. One video shows 40w bootup, ~25w active and 12.5w idle load while running from 13.2v battery. This is great news for offgridders. This thing consumes less power (on idle) than my Comcast XB7 modem. Awesome that it runs direct from 12 - 48v DC and comes with 5.5mm DC barrel connector built in.

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Seriously considering selling my v2 and getting a mini. I won't permanently mount and hauling that box around in a truck camper is a bit much.

Reduced power draw is a bonus. The reduced speed shouldn't be a problem for me out camping.
The best part the Starlink probably won’t go down like the cable will if grid power goes out.
Before cable got so technical with fiber optic and such if grid power went out cable still worked …that was a long time ago. Now if grid power goes out doesn’t matter if I can run the cable wifi-modem or not the rest of the cable system is down in my area. Cable is tied to the electrical grid for their system power it is not separate anymore.

So win for StarLink. Which seems to be getting better and better. $30 ???? a month after buying equipment is a bargain where how do we get $30 a month think equipment is $499?. It looks to be size of an ipad. 100+ mbps is ok.

This video says $30 a month but on Starlink it says $120 a month for my area. Hmmmm. Commenters say have to get standard $120 a month then $30 extra a $150…. My cable is ~$55 a month 600mbps. Elon is to high. $499 for equipment too.
From video comments the guy doing video is a TOOL.
Launching sats is expensive. Starlink financially broke even last year. For now there is no equivalent service outside of cell/cable/fiber/wisp coverage. Getting the mini for extra $30/mo will encourage owners renting them out when not traveling. Great deal for me since I only need it for a weekend few times a year.
I don't think you can get the mini by itself, only as an add on to a bigger dish, with limited data?
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Launching sats is expensive. Starlink financially broke even last year. For now there is no equivalent service outside of cell/cable/fiber/wisp coverage. Getting the mini for extra $30/mo will encourage owners renting them out when not traveling. Great deal for me since I only need it for a weekend few times a year.
Ppl need to know more then $30 If only $30 ppl would be buying a bundle load. I would cancel cable and really cord cut. 😁👀 ‘Cord cutting” was always a dumb saying …. they still had cable internet.
Yes, to clarify, this is a $30 add on plan to the regular $120 a month plan, giving you compact size for remote hiking etc, 50GB per month data allowance and $1 per GB excess.
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I'm confused now.

If you have a monthly sub at home you can add a mini for portable, for 30 dollars extra

Can you run just a mini for the standard roam package? Which costs I think 30 a month more than a regular plan.

I don't use mine full time and utilize the roam package.

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