diy solar

diy solar

Summer in The Rocky Mountain Region, winter in the PNW


New Member
Apr 21, 2021
HI all, newbie to solar- I know very little about it. I am going to hopefully set up a small system to keep the truck camper battery charged and I run my fridge off the propane generally. Occasionally I need to be able to plug in my phone, laptop and printer while working off grid for a day or two until supplies arrive and we get a fire camp set up. I work in wildland fire incident Mgmt. and we have have been pretty busy the last few years so at times we hop from one to the next and time to regroup and recharge is not very long.
Looking forward to doing the research and figuring it all out.
Hi! I very little about solar as well, but I hope I will learn about it here))
Btw, nice idea to install a solar pannel/system for your truck. Good luck! ;)
Thank you George. Just trying to figure out what should be the first item on the list and go from there.
With little roof space, trying to gather the best for the least is the goal.
I will always take any suggestions anyone graciously shares.
Good luck to you as well.
It can be challenging to upgrade an RV in phases. When you go LiFePO4 there are other components that should be upgraded at the same time.

Roof space doesn't need to be a limiting factor. Ground deployed panels can double or triple the amount of generated power.

diy solar

diy solar