diy solar

diy solar

Suredom 2000w/4000w Inverter - DANGEROUS and JUNK!!!!


More Power Scottie!!!
Feb 17, 2020
I was hoping to report that I scored a good value on a Suredom 2000w/4000w Pure Sine Wave Inverter at $159. NOPE!!! I should have know better with a High Temp Shut Off Spec of 75C...that's HOT!!! But I simply didn't know better being a noobie.

So after testing at 1700 watts constant load (not even close to the rated 2000 constant watts) from a portable heater and heat gun and 185amps from battery lead into inverter, I see rising temps on bottom of case (had inverter elevated so I could take temp on all four sides. How high will it go...60C...65C...70C...75C, and now waiting for shut down. Didn't happen!!! I see 77C and hear POP-POP-POP, see SPARKS SHOOTING OUT of cooling fan (yes fan kicked on at 45C), and see SMOKE COMING OUT of front AC side of inverter!!! Time to scramble quickly, and remove leads from battery, and throw this very hot POS out in the back yard where it could only singe some grass.

So bottom line...I feel very lucky I proofed this garbage under test conditions, rather than it failing during real life conditions where it could have resulted in disaster!!!

Do not be tempted to buy this POS:

I am learning new stuff every day with this LiFePO4/solar experiment!!! And it seems I'm learning the hard way...........

Hope all are well out there!
So bottom line...I feel very lucky I proofed this garbage under test conditions, rather than it failing during real life conditions where it could have resulted in disaster!!!
That is shocking! I mean, even the safety devices failed! Is there any way you can get your money back?

Their company slogan is: "Quality First - Reputation Best", they need knocking down a peg or two to avoid potentially injuring somebody else.

I know this doesn't help even a little bit if you're on a budget but I bought four inverters, all of which blew up within specifications, before I got so pissed off and bought Victron! I've never looked back, and I've overloaded my inverter countless times ... not on purpose I would hasten to add!

Well done on testing your device at close to its rating - most people do not. You have not only protected yourself and your family, you've helped others with this post. Props to you.

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diy solar