diy solar

diy solar

The slave (Victron Pheonix 5k) hums


New Member
Jun 5, 2023
Spain, Canaries
I have 2 5k Pheonixes in parallel, configured to be anachronistically called master and slave. The configure program told me that configuration was successful, and they run just fine, sharing the load brotherly.

It is just, the slave one hums loudly even without any load, even when not AC-connected. The intensity of the humming changes when the load increases. Pattern of the lights are solid green on the master, flashing green on the slave. Handbook says nothing about that specific pattern, but that flashing green lights are 'OK-codes'.

I searched the web, but only found sparse information from "that's how it is" (no problem, they are in a an own room adjacent to the house) to "contact your dealer", which I did a few days ago, but no response until now.

I hoped I might find a Victron crack here who can tell me if there is a need for action? Will provide any additional information needed.

Thanks :)
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Guys a connected question pls.

This is an off-grid system, well obviously:)

Grounding is done via a common ground bar which is connected to an earth rod and buried copper-ring around the house (arid climate). All batteries', inverters, and chargers' chassis as well as the AC distribution (2 GFPs, done by a real electrician) and inverters' AC ground are connected to that bar.

I have no bridge between the DC negative and the ground bar. Inverter-handbook mentions this, but a local pv installer who took a look at my setup shrugged his shoulders and said no to such a bridge. The same guy told me to leave both N-PE bonds/bridges on the AC side of the inverters in place.

I am afraid I do not understand all the implications of this, but could the missing bond be a cause for the humming?
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