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diy solar

Titan's battery expansion slot batteries


New Member
Jun 30, 2020
Hello everyone, first time poster here so if anything is wrong, please let me know.

I really like the idea of the Titan and I like the idea of the expansion slot for external batteries. I watched Will's video about throwing his frankenbattery in that slot. He seemed to be very worried about causing damage or being dangerous, he also appears to have used busbars into various fuses.

I guess my questions are, how dangerous or damaging could this be, what was Will's protective devices and is there a way for us make it more protective/fused up?

If I bough a pack of the battleborn 24v 50ah batteries, let's say like four of there an easy or standard way to connect them...and a safe way to connect them to the titan?
See the following link to a thread that discusses the using an external battery with the Titan.


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