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diy solar

To permit or not to permit... SF Bay Area


New Member
Dec 19, 2022
SF Bay Area
I'm finalizing my battery solution before setting up and installing my PV system at my house. I live in the SF Bay Area (Hayward) and they have a streamlined self-permit option for residential solar installs. I downloaded the application with all the info and it... well it seems too simple and straightforward so I feel like I'm missing something. I don't usually pull permits for every little thing I do/install at my house (i.e. heat pumps, EV charging port, etc.) and am unsure if I need to/should go through the permitting process for my PV setup.

It will not be grid-tied which is why I'm debating it. I know there are positive safety reasons for a permitted install and if this app is as basic as it appears then for $300 I might as well submit, right?


  • 005_Residential-Solar-Checklist121322.pdf
    402.8 KB · Views: 19
"grid tied" has to do with utility PTO. Permit has to do with safety of the wiring, regardless of whether it grid tied or not.
Simplified makes sense for rooftop grid tied solar. This isn’t rocket science esp with microinverters, just do the right roof setbacks and wiring methods and within double or triple safety margin of the racking (usually simple also sort of needs you to have a standard racking).

Is it rooftop or other type of system that will easily trigger checking for whether it’s permitted? There are multiple parties that will get cross if they find out no permits.

Rooftop - fire department, POCO thinking you have a stealth grid tie install
Ground mount - POCO

Well I don’t know if PG&E will care once you tell them it is off grid (unless something happens like they ask for the stamped and finaled SLD as standard operating procedure). I can imagine the fire department being more triggered.

ESS has a lot of safety requirements in California building code (not special to California, mostly just adopting standard code), if you go unpermitted it may be an extra liability risks if you don’t follow all of it.

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diy solar