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diy solar


Donald Trump is truly the most unifying person in america ever! GOD bless our lord emperor savior DJT, and may our lips always be orange from sucking his dick.
Thank you for once again showing everyone WHO you really are.

Hmmmm …. Fani Willis is still on the Trump case and won re-election…….she is trying get the charges dropped by that judge reinstated. Damn.

Teflon corruption goes on and on.

Hmmmm …. Fani Willis is still on the Trump case and won re-election…….she is trying get the charges dropped by that judge reinstated. Damn.

Teflon corruption goes on and on.
Vote her out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (LOL)
This is what happens when people decide it doesn't make any difference .... and stay home instead of voting the scumbags out.
So what does Aenyc offer in place of voting - absolutely nothing.

Fulton County is mostly black and majority voter are black women. Not sure why Trump and his group focused on it as winning. Not sure why any of this is important other then Georgia has a lot of republican politicians in the key jobs … after 2020 they were rewarded by winning big as incumbents ie Georgia Gov and Georgia Secretary of State. Both did extremely well as 2020 reward - won re-elections….both were involved in drastically changing how voting is counted in Georgia ….both Republicans won as a State Whole.. He who counts the vote can win with zero voters.

This was done over all for GA election changes. I think the problem with Fulton county was the total amount of election ballots and the video shown methods to which cheating was also shown. Dropped. Not sure why they cheated again in fulton county which is mostly black and older democrats.

Fani Willis getting re-elected is tribal….if not controlled. Pick one 😁✊🏽

Loss of control - Result of white flight and white ppl not having enough white babies. 😁 REPLACED. The whole Trump thing of him saying the blacks gave him the win in Fulton County is Boomerville 1 race - human race = bs. Color of thy skin and sex. The reality black and white feminism. How Okra WindFRIED got so rich. 👀😁 Okra which is Also a huge donation giver for democratic Fulton County. ….grey goose.
If you have never been to Fulton county inner cities go find out for your self. 😁🙈 take the whole family carry large amounts of cash and show it around. Not sure why so many democrat areas are always so unsafe. Some ppl blame guns as the easy but the real truth ppl won’t talk about is SAVAGE ppl ….as the major problem. Fulton County is not the entire of GA no more then NYC is the entire of New York or Chicago is entire of Illinois. But one thing is certain if it is democrat controlled there is going to be lot of crime. A Law and Order President will most likely not be elected there. Fani Willis and the Judge that gave to her campaign will most likely be re-elected. Now what? Trump getting on the phone making that phone call was shady as fuck…. STUPID TOO.



So what does Aenyc offer in place of voting - absolutely nothing.

Fulton County is mostly black and majority voter are black women. Not sure why Trump and his group focused on it as winning. Not sure why any of this is important other then Georgia has a lot of republican politicians in the key jobs … after 2020 they were rewarded by winning big as incumbents ie Georgia Gov and Georgia Secretary of State. Both did extremely well as 2020 reward - won re-elections….both were involved in drastically changing how voting is counted in Georgia ….both Republicans won as a State Whole.. He who counts the vote can win with zero voters.

This was done over all for GA election changes. I think the problem with Fulton county was the total amount of election ballots and the video shown methods to which cheating was also shown. Dropped. Not sure why they cheated again in fulton county which is mostly black and older democrats.

Fani Willis getting re-elected is tribal….if not controlled. Pick one 😁✊🏽

Loss of control - Result of white flight and white ppl not having enough white babies. 😁 REPLACED. The whole Trump thing of him saying the blacks gave him the win in Fulton County is Boomerville 1 race - human race = bs. Color of thy skin and sex. The reality black and white feminism. How Okra WindFRIED got so rich. 👀😁 Okra which is Also a huge donation giver for democratic Fulton County. ….grey goose.
If you have never been to Fulton county inner cities go find out for your self. 😁🙈 take the whole family carry large amounts of cash and show it around. Not sure why so many democrat areas are always so unsafe. Some ppl blame guns as the easy but the real truth ppl won’t talk about is SAVAGE ppl ….as the major problem. Fulton County is not the entire of GA no more then NYC is the entire of New York or Chicago is entire of Illinois. But one thing is certain if it is democrat controlled there is going to be lot of crime. A Law and Order President will most likely not be elected there. Fani Willis and the Judge that gave to her campaign will most likely be re-elected. Now what? Trump getting on the phone making that phone call was shady as fuck…. STUPID TOO.

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The biggest problem is that the voters there aren't doing there job ..... and that is now affecting the entire country .... election interference.

Now that they have figured out they can wreak havoc this way, they are going to figure out all kinds of ways for corrupt local DA's to mess with us.
The biggest problem is that the voters there aren't doing there job ..... and that is now affecting the entire country .... election interference.

Now that they have figured out they can wreak havoc this way, they are going to figure out all kinds of ways for corrupt local DA's to mess with us.
Tell blacks to stop voting based on skin color and black white feminism. If white person votes for other whites based on skin it is racism. If a white male votes for another white male it is the KKK. 👀🏴‍☠️♠️💁🃏
Look at demographics of single mothers that hate Trump. Hmmmm….

When society breaks all the way down MAJORITY ppl will group by skin color. You’ll see. SEEN IT TIME and TIME AGAIN around the World. Christians seek Christians. Jews seek Jews. Islam seek Islam. Then they break down more by race into their own segregations. Groups seek self…. Likeness.

I prefer the 1970s when ppl around the World acknowledged ppl were racist and we still got along. Archie Bunker and Jeffersons tv show eras. The more ppl try to deny that racism is a reality the more hidden - racist they become. Obuma created most racism seen since the 1960s all because he wanted to be married to big mike for the long dong sex. Obuma admitted he could never move to Africa because they Islam in Africa kill queers… Islam - gay is death penalty. So Obuma would be murdered for being gay so him and boy friend can’t move to Africa.

Point being Fulton County don’t like Trump. Despite what Trump might say ….. As whole. Chicago don’t like Trump…… As whole. NYC don’t like Trump…As a whole. . Soooo…. They are just majority over crowded crime ridden cities. Trump having a few black supporters does not mean he carries majority of black ppl. No more then the jews which are mostly democrats too. These are statistics. They don’t care about right or wrong. Evil or good.

You are watching Sodom Gomorrah version play out .


Tribalism. Most White think of themselves as non tribal. Exactly why when watch fights break out all groups except whites and some asians will gang up on white. Watch blacks in group fight a single white. If white ppl do the same it is lynching - kkk. Ppl not noticing are living in fantasy land. They will be a victim. Democrats like their life styles. Crimes pays. THUG LIFE

Yes what they do effects whole country exactly why in 2020 they carried out Soros BLM Antifa in Soros bought planned taken DA areas. He bought police chiefs and judges too. Brought out Covid sickness. We are already in a war. Most ppl just look at it in small chunks vs the big picture. Ppl will never stop being racist….as a whole. Criminals will be criminals until stopped. When election fails then screaming 2028 is done too.
I think you guys are not voting hard enough. LOL
Sit back and don’t vote. That is exactly what your hidden henchmen want. Ppl to let them go about unopposed. 😁 Communism once set takes decades to break free. Ppl need to be punished for not voting and exercising their freedoms to vote. Voting was designed to elect representatives not anointed rulers. The ppl have failed to rebel when their freedomS was threatened so deserve to be ruled. There is no Safety in traded and suspended freedoms.
Sit back and don’t vote. That is exactly what your hidden henchmen want. Ppl to let them go about unopposed. 😁 Communism once set takes decades to break free. Ppl need to be punished for not voting and exercising their freedoms to vote. Voting was designed to elect representatives not anointed rulers. The ppl have failed to rebel when their freedomS was threatened so deserve to be ruled. There is no Safety in traded and suspended freedoms.

You are so convinced voting is the only way?
Thats a rather simplistic view.
There are way far more effective than voting, but keep voting to your hearts content :)
For me, i have see every candidate in office in any govt position starting from POTUS all the way to the lowliest POS Clerk in the local town hall (for the last 35 years) of any color sell me out to the globalist agenda (while enriching themselves), so you will just have to accept the fact that i will never trust any of them.

Insanity - doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results, lol
You are so convinced voting is the only way?
Thats a rather simplistic view.
There are way far more effective than voting, but keep voting to your hearts content :)
For me, i have see every candidate in office in any govt position starting from POTUS all the way to the lowliest POS Clerk in the local town hall (for the last 35 years) of any color sell me out to the globalist agenda (while enriching themselves), so you will just have to accept the fact that i will never trust any of them.

Insanity - doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results, lol

You don't have a clue what this country is all about do you.

Apparently you are so terrified that you see the bogyman .... er globalist ... behind every rock.
You must have been totally traumatized as a child ...... and then, to top it off, the ONE TIME your voted, your candidate didn't win ..... So, that's it, you'll just take your ball and go home.

Look in the mirror .... There's the one duped into doing the bidding of the globalists.
You don't have a clue what this country is all about do you.

Actually it is you who lives in the fantasy land.
Look around you, and study history for the last 100 years

@grizzzman Its funny that me and Bob most likely agree on like 95% of things, but he still has an illusion about voting. I am ok with that :)
This is the kind of shit that is happening that is the danger. And no matter who you vote for, they are all FULLY on board advancing it.

And this - tells you who is REALLY in control...... spoiler (its the banksters)

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Actually it is you who lives in the fantasy land.
Look around you, and study history for the last 100 years

@grizzzman Its funny that me and Bob most likely agree on like 95% of things, but he still has an illusion about voting. I am ok with that :)
Voting is a Right and a Tradition of Free Ppl especially here where ppl died to establish it. Memorial Day was established to honor them. If you no longer feel the Right to Vote then you are no longer Free and already captured. It seems you have surrendered so go twttle your thumbs and stop being a subversive - telling ppl voting doesn't matter.

The next step is either surrender for the mass on the Right or Civil War there is no 2028 bs....the game will be lost. Every communist take over has ppl come in and pretend to be part of the Right for movement but in fact are subversives to anything except surrender of the Right to communism.
Operation "Trust" from early 1900 era during the take over of Russia by Communist.

So if voting doesn’t matter why is the Left so focused on it? The Left are doing everything in their power to sway elections to their party in a forever manner and move - called Communism.

Quote: TRUST
A Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists’ takeover. Here’s an except on the “Trust” operation from pages 13-14 of Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn’s book, “New Lies for Old”:

From Wikipedia’s article on Operation Trust:

Operation Trust was a counterintelligence operation of the State Political Directorate (GPU) of the Soviet Union. The operation, which was set up by GPU’s predecessor Cheka, ran from 1921 to 1926, set up a fake anti-Bolshevik resistance organization, “Monarchist Union of Central Russia”, MUCR, in order to help the OGPU identify real monarchists and anti-Bolsheviks. The created front company was called the Moscow Municipal Credit Association.
[…] The one Western historian who had limited access to the Trust files, John Costello, reported that they comprised thirty-seven volumes and were such a bewildering welter of double-agents, changed code names, and interlocking deception operations with “the complexity of a symphonic score”, that Russian historians from the Intelligence Service had difficulty separating fact from fantasy.
Here’s an except on the “Trust” operation from pages 13-14 of Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn’s book, “New Lies for Old”:

An Information Liberation article points out how the similarities with the Q-Anon “Trust The Plan™” psy-op are remarkably similar to Operation Trust:
Q-Anon made Trump supporters who were right to be angry over the criminal nature of our ruling class delude themselves with fantasies that “White hats” in the military were going to save us while Attorney General William Barr was busy covering-up the Jeffrey Epstein case and the Kushner administration was busy pardoning fraudsters who donated to the Aleph Institute and releasing traitor Jonathan Pollard from parole to “make aliyah” in Israel.
That sounds like the Confucius-style nonsense put out by Q-Anon.


You remind me of Q ppl that haven't got the bad taste of communist pecker out of their mouth.

6 Jan 2021 was carried out to stop protesters from protesting on the Right. Unfortunately, ppl on the Right fell for it and were SUCKERS.
Let them Eat Cake Rebellon was a thwarted flop.... the Left Learned from that one.

The problem with the Right.... they are not very bright either. By the time they figure it out it is like the hog hunter slamming gate on fenced in group of hogs and the slaughter begins.

Again aenyc why waste your valuable time on here.? I am retired and can be on here 24/7. My next major appointment is a dirt nap. No one appreciates your time more then you and after reading some of your past post you seem to want ppl to be grateful that you provide time to post? :)

So if voting doesn’t matter why is the Left so focused on it? The Left are doing everything in their power to permanently sway elections to their party in a forever manner and move with illegals - called GLOBAL Communism.

So if voting doesn’t matter why is the Left so focused on it? Bob and I would like to know the answer.
I think you guys are not voting hard enough. LOL

I agree with you voting is pointless.....that said I will still do it because it is something you should do.

If you think your vote counts you have not been paying attn.
I agree with you voting is pointless.....that said I will still do it because it is something you should do.

If you think your vote counts you have not been paying attn.

I used to think that, but i have since decided that when you vote, you consent to be governed if your candidate wins.
I do not consent to be governed. I am governed by force alone. (Taxes is one example)